The 1839 Annuity Roll
#17 is Naw do way qway saw, one man, one woman, two children, receiving $35.36 under Chief Naw wosh coota at Village of the Cross (Cross Village, Emmet, Michigan)
It appears the family moved to Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island, Ontario sometime between 1839 and 1855. While no records were found for Isaac or William, there is a baptism for Benjamin Natwegwessa on 31 Dec 1850, son of Sebastian Natwegwessa and Onimbikna at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Wikwemikong.
By 1855 Sebastian and family are back in Michigan.
Land allotment 1855 - Sebastian's land was the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of section 17, T37N R5W (currently Bliss township, Emmet county)
1858 Annuity Roll
#24 Sebas. Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, six children, receiving $33.68 under Chief Naw we maish co tay
1859 Annuity Roll
#23 Sebas Naw do waw quaw saw, three men, one woman, three children, receiving $34.79 under Chief Naw we maish co tay
1860 Federal Census - La Croix township
Sebastian Nawawegegegig, 46, farmer, real estate valued at $750, personal estate valued at $300
Mary Louisa, 43
Isaac, 18
William, 16
Benjamin, 10
Mary Ann, 2
Sarah, 70 (?)
1860 Federal Census - farm Schedule
Sebastian - 42 acres improved, 118 acres unimproved, value of farm $550, value of implements $10, 2 horses, 9 swine, value of livestock $120, 60 bushels corn, 35 bushels oats.
1861 Annuity Roll
#24 Sebastian Naw do way quaw saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $32.34 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
The records of Holy Cross Church, Cross Village, listed the family.
1858 Annuity Roll
#24 Sebas. Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, six children, receiving $33.68 under Chief Naw we maish co tay
1859 Annuity Roll
#23 Sebas Naw do waw quaw saw, three men, one woman, three children, receiving $34.79 under Chief Naw we maish co tay
1860 Federal Census - La Croix township
Sebastian Nawawegegegig, 46, farmer, real estate valued at $750, personal estate valued at $300
Mary Louisa, 43
Isaac, 18
William, 16
Benjamin, 10
Mary Ann, 2
Sarah, 70 (?)
1860 Federal Census - farm Schedule
Sebastian - 42 acres improved, 118 acres unimproved, value of farm $550, value of implements $10, 2 horses, 9 swine, value of livestock $120, 60 bushels corn, 35 bushels oats.
1861 Annuity Roll
#24 Sebastian Naw do way quaw saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $32.34 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
The records of Holy Cross Church, Cross Village, listed the family.
1865 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way gwaw saw one man, one woman, six children, receiving $32 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
#55 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, no children, receiving $8 [Sebastian's son]
#91 Sarah Naw do way gwaw saw, no men, one woman, no children, receiving $4 [Is this Sebastian's now widowed mother?]
1866 Annuity Roll
#6 Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, six children, receiving $29.92 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
#60 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, no children, receiving $7.48
#90 Sarah Naw do way gwaw saw, no man, one woman, no children, receiving $3.74
1867 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way gwaw saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $24.99 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
#42 Isaac Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, two children, receiving $14.28 [son Issac's first time as adult on the annuity roll]
#56 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, one child, receiving $10.71
#91 Sarah Naw do way gway saw, no man, one woman, no children, receiving $3.57
1868 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $110.95 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
#30 Isaac Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, three children, receiving $79.25
#55 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, one child, receiving $47.55
1870 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way quay saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $107.10 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.
#30 Isaac Naw do way quay saw, one man, one woman, two children, receiving $61.20
#55 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, one child, receiving 45.90
1870 Federal Census - La Croix Township
Nadanagwisa, Sebastian, 56, farmer, real estate valued at $600
Mary Ann, 54
Louis, 14
Simon, 10
Josette, 16
Mary, 16
Macwetchinankwe, 75
1870 Federal Census - farm schedule
Sebastian - 20 acres improved, 116 acres woodland, valued of farm $350, 1 swine, value of livestock $5, 20 bushels oats.
6 Jun 1871 - Sebastian received the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of section17, T37N, R5W, consisting of 80 acres.
1880 Federal Census - Cross Village
Nadowegwessa, Sebastian, 70, farmer
Mary Ann, 57, wife, keeping house
Simon, 17, son
The 1880 Federal Census - Readmond township, lists a family that also appears to be Sebastian.
Netwagwasaw, Sebastian, 65, farmer
Wabaconnequay, 55, wife.
Sebastian Nadgeransan died 15 May 1884 in Cross Village of consumption, married, age given as 66 years, 10 months, 2 days.
The Northern Independent 20 May 1884
There is no Durant Roll Field Note for Sebastian. While #8 page 20 on the 1870 roll is Sebastian with his son Benjamin included as one of the children (Benjamin didn't marry until 1871), the field note #8 page 20 lists Benjamin's wife and children.
Copyright (c) 2020 Vicki Wilson