Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Sebastian Nadogwessa 1817-1884

Sebastian Nadogwessa was said to be born 13 Jul 1817 (age from death record).

The 1839 Annuity Roll
#17 is Naw do way qway saw, one man, one woman, two children, receiving $35.36 under Chief Naw wosh coota  at Village of the Cross (Cross Village, Emmet, Michigan)

It appears the family moved to Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island, Ontario sometime between 1839 and 1855. While no records were found for Isaac or William, there is a baptism for Benjamin Natwegwessa on 31 Dec 1850, son of Sebastian Natwegwessa and Onimbikna at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Wikwemikong.

By 1855 Sebastian and family are back in Michigan.

Land allotment 1855 - Sebastian's land was the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of section 17, T37N R5W (currently Bliss township, Emmet county)

1858 Annuity Roll
#24 Sebas. Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, six children, receiving $33.68 under Chief Naw we maish co tay

1859 Annuity Roll
#23 Sebas Naw do waw quaw saw, three men, one woman, three children, receiving $34.79 under Chief Naw we maish co tay

1860 Federal Census - La Croix township

Sebastian Nawawegegegig, 46, farmer, real estate valued at $750, personal estate valued at $300
Mary Louisa, 43
Isaac, 18
William, 16
Benjamin, 10
Mary Ann, 2
Sarah, 70 (?)

1860 Federal Census - farm Schedule

Sebastian - 42 acres improved, 118 acres unimproved, value of farm $550, value of implements $10, 2 horses, 9 swine, value of livestock $120, 60 bushels corn, 35 bushels oats.

1861 Annuity Roll
#24 Sebastian Naw do way quaw saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $32.34 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.

The records of Holy Cross Church, Cross Village, listed the family.

1865 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way gwaw saw one man, one woman, six children, receiving $32 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.

#55 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, no children, receiving $8 [Sebastian's son]

#91 Sarah Naw do way gwaw saw, no men, one woman, no children, receiving $4 [Is this Sebastian's now widowed mother?]

1866 Annuity Roll
#6 Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, six children, receiving $29.92 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.

#60 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, no children, receiving $7.48

#90 Sarah Naw do way gwaw saw, no man, one woman, no children, receiving $3.74

1867 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way gwaw saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $24.99 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.

#42 Isaac Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, two children, receiving $14.28 [son Issac's first time as adult on the annuity roll]

#56 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, one child, receiving $10.71

#91 Sarah Naw do way gway saw, no man, one woman, no children, receiving $3.57

1868 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $110.95 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.

#30 Isaac Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, three children, receiving $79.25

#55 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, one child, receiving $47.55

1870 Annuity Roll
#8 Naw do way quay saw, one man, one woman, five children, receiving $107.10 under Chief Naw we maish co tay.

#30 Isaac Naw do way quay saw, one man, one woman, two children, receiving $61.20

#55 William Naw do way gway saw, one man, one woman, one child, receiving 45.90

1870 Federal Census - La Croix Township

Nadanagwisa, Sebastian, 56, farmer, real estate valued at $600
Mary Ann, 54
Louis, 14
Simon, 10
Josette, 16
Mary, 16
Macwetchinankwe, 75

1870 Federal Census - farm schedule

Sebastian - 20 acres improved, 116 acres woodland, valued of farm $350, 1 swine, value of livestock $5, 20 bushels oats.

6 Jun 1871 - Sebastian received the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of section17, T37N, R5W, consisting of 80 acres.

1880 Federal Census - Cross Village

Nadowegwessa, Sebastian, 70, farmer
Mary Ann, 57, wife, keeping house
Simon, 17, son

The 1880 Federal Census - Readmond township, lists a family that also appears to be Sebastian.

Netwagwasaw, Sebastian, 65, farmer
Wabaconnequay, 55, wife.

Sebastian Nadgeransan died 15 May 1884 in Cross Village of consumption, married, age given as 66 years, 10 months, 2 days.

The Northern Independent 20 May 1884

There is no Durant Roll Field Note for Sebastian. While #8 page 20 on the 1870 roll is Sebastian with his son Benjamin included as one of the children (Benjamin didn't marry until 1871), the field note #8 page 20 lists Benjamin's wife and children.

Copyright (c) 2020 Vicki Wilson

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Martha Bailey 1885-1957

Martha Bailey was said to be born 23 Sep 1885 in Bradley, Allegan, Michigan, the daughter of Henry Bailey and Mary Wakefield.

Martha's full siblings were Charles (born 1887), Nancy (born 1888) and Elizabeth (born 1892).

Father Henry married second to Theresa and had sons Cornelius, Louis and Anthony

Mother Mary married second to Stephen Aikens and had daughters Amy (Emma) and Maud.

Registers of the Indian Industrial School in Mt Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan.

Student #138, Martha Bailey from Fern, Michigan, tribe Ottawa, guardian Amos Wakefield g.f. [grandfather], age 10, arrived 29 Aug 1896.

Martha Bailey, guardian Amos Wakefield.

Martha Bailey, Amos Wakefield of Fern guardian, age 12

Martha Bailey, Amos Wakefield of Fern guardian, age 13

Martha Bailey - now called Potawatomie, no parent, guardian or age given, withdrawn 1 Aug 1900.

1900 Federal Census - Eden, Mason, Michigan
Stephen Ackins, born Mar 1845, age 55, married 1 year, no occupation listed
Mary, wife, born Jun 1866, age 34, married 1 year, 7 children born 4 children living
Charles, son, born Apr 1887, age 13
Lizzie, daughter, born Nov 1890, age 9

1900 Federal Census - Mt. Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan
Martha Bailey, born Jun 1885, age 14, at school

Registers of the Indian Industrial School at Mt. Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan

Martha Bailey, Potawatomie, parent Mrs. Mary Bailey of Fern, admitted 31 Jan 1901 for 3 years.

Martha Bailey, Chippewa, parent Mary Bailey of Fern, ? if father is living, mother living, age 16, arrived 1 Jul 1901

Martha Bailey, Ottawa, mother Mary Bailey of Fern, age 18.

Martha Bailey, Ottawa, Amos Wakefield, guardian, withdrawn 7 Jan 1904.

Martha married 9 May 1904 in Ludington to Eddie Hall, son of George Hall and Elizabeth Green. Martha was 19, born in Fern, occupation dressmaker. It was her first marriage. Eddie was 28, born in Custer, occupation laborer. It was his second marriage. Ceremony was performed by Henry C. Ransom, Judge of Probate. Witnesses were P.E. Bailey and A.B. Major.

Two children were born to this marriage.

Son Milo was born 15 Dec 1904 in Mason county.

Daughter Sarah was born 28 Feb 1907 in Homestead, Benzie, Michigan.

Sister Nancy Bailey, age 18 was married 20 Apr 1907 in Honor to Frank Chippewa, age 27, son of Andrew Chippewa and Mary Bunnett. Ceremony was performed by Wesley Covey, Justice of the Peace.

Mother Mary Wakefield, age 39, housekeeper, was married 8 Jun 1907 to Stephen Aikins, 48, laborer in Honor. Ceremony was performed by Wesley Covey, Justice of the Peace.

Durant Roll Field Notes - 1908
line 2 page 60 -

Eddie Hall, age 33, P.O. Star City

1st wife, Mary, dead.
child 1) Joseph Hall, age 13, lives with Nancy Hall Peters at Fountain

2nd wife, Martha Bailey, age 22, P.O. Fountain - see 14-50, separated
child 2) Milo Hall, see 14-50
child 3) Sarah Hall, see 14-50

Durant Roll Field Notes - 1908
line 14 page 50 -
Francis Bailey, dead; wife dead;
child 1 - Battiste Bailey, see 2-58
child 2 - Joseph Bailey or Pe-to-bick, see 3-50
child 3 - Henry Bailey or Pay-quay, see 4-62
child 4 - name not given, dead; wife dead; child - Henry Bailey Jr, see 2nd sheet

2nd sheet Henry Bailey Jr, age 45, P.O. Custer
wife - Teresa Bailey, nee Do-ne-gay, age 40, on roll with 7-61
1) Antoine Bailey, age 13
2) Cornelius Bailey, age 11
3) Louis Bailey, age 6

1st wife Mary Wakefield Bailey, now Aikens, age 39
4) Martha Hall, age 24, see 2-60, husband name not given
    Milo Hall, age 3
    Sarah Hall, age 2
5) Charles Bailey, age 22, P.O. Custer
6) Nancy Bailey, age 20, husband Frank Chippewa, see 18-41
     Nettie Chippewa, age 3 mos., born May 1908
7) Lizzie Bailey, age 18, P.O. Mt. Pleasant School or Custer

Son Daniel Smith was born 19 Dec 1909. He died 18 May 1910 in Platte, Benzie, Michigan. John Smith is named as his father.

On 31 Aug 1910 in Mason county circuit court, Martha filed for divorce from Edward citing cruelty and desertion as the cause. The divorce was granted 5 Jan 1911.

Sister Elizabeth, 18, was married 14 Nov 1910 in Traverse City to Johnson James, 21, son on Peter James and Anna Prickett. Ceremony was performed by George W. Curtis, Justice of the Peace.

Martha, 24, married John F. Smith, 48, on 16 Feb 1911 in Honor, Benzie, Michigan. It was his third marriage and her second marriage. Ceremony performed by Wesley Covey.

Son John Smith was born 31 Mar 1916 in Platte, Benzie, Michigan. He died 18 May 1916 in Platte, Benzie, Michigan.

Daughter Pearl Edith Smith was born 21 Sep 1919 in Kalkaska.

1920 Federal Census - T27N R5W, Kalkaska county, Michigan

Smith, John, head, 53, born Canada, log cutter at lumber camp
Smith, Martha, wife, 34
Hall, Milo, stepson, 15
Hall, Sarah, stepdaughter, 12
Smith, Pearl, daughter, 11/12
Wakefield, Amos, step grandfather

Sarah Hall - age 12
[photo from conbri86 on]

Mother Mary Wakefield Bailey Aikens died 12 Oct 1922 in McMillan, Luce, Michigan.

Photo of Mary Wakefield
[photo from conbri86 on]

Daughter Sarah, 18,  married 22 May 1925 in Honor to John Sikorski, 30.

1930 Federal Census - Homestead, Benzie, Michigan
John Smith, head, 70, laborer at odd jobs
Martha, wife, 43, cook at private home
Milo, son, 25, laborer at odd jobs
Pearl E., daughter, 11

Pearl with cousins - year unknown
[photo from conbri86 on]

Martha Smith and sister Nancy Chippewa - year unknown
[photo from conbri86 on]

John Smith died 26 Mar 1935 in Homestead, Benzie, Michigan

1940 Federal Census - Green Lake, Grand Traverse, Michigan

Smith, Martha, 52, widowed, lived in same house in 1935, occupation basket maker at weaving
Milo, 35, son, lived in same house in 1935, occupation farm hand on farm.

Son Milo registered for the draft 16 Oct 1940 in Phelps, Wisconsin. He gave his birth as 15 Dec 1904 in Custer, Michigan; height as 6'1" and weight as 200 lbs.

Milo enlisted in the Army on 1 Apr 1941

Photo of Milo
[photo from conbri86 on]

Father Henry Bailey died 23 Dec 1949 in Custer, Mason, Michigan, where Martha had been caring for him. Obituary from the Ludington Daily News, 24 Dec 1949.

Photo of Henry Bailey and Martha
[photo from conbri86 on]

Martha died 7 Aug 1957. Her obituary appeared in the Traverse City Record-Eagle 8 Aug 1957

Notice of Martha's funeral appeared in the Traverse City Record-Eagle 13 Aug 1957.

She was buried in Champion Hill Cemetery, next to her husband John.


Milo died 6 Nov 1969 in Cadillac, Wexford, Michigan. His obituary appeared in the Lansing State Journal 10 Nov 1969

Milo was buried at Champion Hill Cemetery in Honor, Benzie, Michigan

Sarah died 11 Nov 1978 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan

Pearl died 14 Aug 1996 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan and was buried at Champion Hill Cemetery in Honor, Benzie, Michigan

Copyright (c) 2020 Vicki Wilson