Oct. 16, 1826. | 7 Stat., 295. | Proclamation, Feb. | 7, 1827.
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties. Vol. II (Treaties). Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904.
The United States agree to grant to each of the persons named in the schedule hereunto annexed, the quantity of land therein stipulated to be granted; but the land, so granted, shall never be conveyed by either of the said persons, or their heirs, without the consent of the Pres ident of the United States; and it is also understood, that any of these grants may be expung ed from the schedule, by the President or Senate of the United States, without affecting an y other part of the treaty.
Schedule of grants referred to in the foregoing Treaty:
To each of the following persons, Indians by birth, and who are now, or have been, scholars in the Carey Mission School, on the St. Joseph’s, under the direction of the Rev. Isaac McCoy, one quarter section of land, to be located under the direction of the President of the Unit ed States; that is to say:
1. Joseph Bourissa - son of Daniel Bourassa and Theotis Oisange Arnwaske,
male, b. 1808 - student from 1820
2. Noaquett - or Luther Rice, half-blood Ottawa, b. 1800, male - original Carey
Mission scholar, graduate of Colgate University in Hamilton, NY; and an educator3. John Jones - or Tuay, half-blood Chippewa, male, b. 1800 - an original student of the Carey Baptist Mission, graduate of Colgate University in Hamilton, NY; and an educator . Founded Ottawa University in Kansas.
4. Nuko - or Andrew Fuller, male, b. 1811
5. Soswa -
6. Manotuk - b. 1816 - student from 1824
7. Betsey Ash - female, b. 1808 - student from 1820
8. Charles Dick -
9. Susanna Isaacs - female, b. 1819 - student from 1825
10. Harriet Isaacs -
11. Betsey Plummer - orphan, female, b. 1807 - student from 1819
12. Angelina Isaacs - female, b. 1811 - student since 1819
13. Jemima Isaacs -
14. Jacob Corbly, or Jacob Corbly Konkapot - a Stockbridge Indian and exceptionally gifted student
15. Konkapot - same as No. 14
16. Celicia Nimham - female, b. 1812 - student from 1821
17. Mark Bourissa - son of Daniel Bourassa and Theotis Oisange Arnwaske,
male, b. 1810 - student from 1820
18. Jude Bourissa - son of Daniel Bourassa and Theotis Oisange Arnwaske,
male, b. 1812 - student from 1820
19. Annowussau -
20. Topenibe - son of principal Potawatomi chief Topinbee and Nowegi, male, b. 1807
21. Terrez - daughter of Tou-se-qua, adopted by Joseph Bailly; female, b. 1808; aka Therese Bailly, Theresa LaVigne
22. Sheshko -
23. Louis Wilmett - son of Antoine Ouilmette and Archange Chevalier,
male, b. 1808 - student from 182124. Mitchel Wilmett - or Michel Ouilmette, son of Antoine Ouilmette and Archange
Chevalier, male, b. 1811 - student from 1823
25. Lezett Wilmett - or Elizabeth Wilmette, daughter of Antoine Ouilmette and
Archange Chevalier, female, b. 1814 - student from 182326. Esther Baily - daughter of Joseph Bailly and Tou-se-qua, female, b. 1811
27. Roseann Baily - daughter of Joseph Bailly and Tou-se-qua, female, b. 1813
28. Eleanor Baily - daughter of Joseph Bailly and Tou-se-qua, female, b. 1815
29. Quehkna - b. 1807 - student from 1824
30. William Turner - male, b. 1821 - student from 1823
31. Chaukenozwoh - or Joel Wallingford, male. b. 1820 - student from 1823
32. Lazarus Bourissa - son of Daniel Bourassa and Theotis Pisange Arnwaske,
male, b. 1816 - student from 1823
33. Achan Bourissa - or Archange Bourassa, daughter of Daniel Bourassa and Theotis
Pisange Arnwaske, female, b. 1817 - student from 1823
34. Achemukquee -
35. Wesauwau -
36. Peter Moose - male, b. 1816 - student from 1824 - a Potawatomi chief who signed the treaty of 1846 in Missouri
37. Ann Sharp - female, b. 1815 - student from 1824
38. Joseph Wolf - male, b. 1819 - student from 1825
39. Misnoqua -
40. Pomoqua -
41. Wymego - son of Miami Chief Wymego who was with the Potawatomi of the Tippecanoe River region
42. Cheekeh -
43. Wauwossemoqua - b. (year unknown) - student from 1824
44. Meeksumau -
45. Kakautmo -
46. Richard Clements - orphan from Chicago, male, b. 1815 student from 1825
47. Louis McNeff -
48. Shoshqua -
49. Nscotenama - b. 1819 - student from 1825
50. Chikawketeh -
51. Mnsheewoh -
52. Saugana - b. 1818 - student from 1825 -son of Potawatomi chief Saugana
53. Msonkqua -
54. Mnitoqua - son of Potawatomi chief Men-o-quet, b. 1816 - student from 1824
55. Okutcheek -
56. Naomi G. Browning -
57. Antoine - or Antoine Rollo, male, b. 1804 - student from 1824. Died while employed by Carey Mission after graduation.
58. St. Antoine - a Potawatomi chief who signed the treaty of 1846 in Missouri
59. Mary -
Notes: Names are stated exactly as they appeared in the text. The more common version of the name is stated second, when known. All students received titles to their land grants from the General Land Office at LaPorte, Indiana.
Title: Treaty With The Potowatomi, 1826
Author: Lewis Cass, James B. Ray and John Tipton, Commissioners and Sixty-Three Chiefs of the Potwatomi
Text: To each of the following persons, Indians by birth, and who are now, or have been, scholars i n the Carey Mission School, on the St. Joseph’s, under the direction of the Rev. Isaac McCoy , one quarter section of land, to be located under the direction of the President of the Unit ed States; that is to say: Joseph Bourissa, Noaquett, John Jones, Nuko, Soswa, Manotuk, Betsey Ash, Charles Dick, Susanna Isaacs, Harriet Isaacs, Betsey Plummer, Angelina Isaacs, Jemima Isaacs, Jacob Corbly, Konkapot, Celicia Nimham, Mark Bourissa, Jude Bourissa, Annowussau, Topenibe, Terrez, Sheshko, Louis Wilmett, Mitchel Wilmett, Lezett Wilmett, Esther Baily, Roseann Baily, Eleanor Baily, Quehkna, William Turner, Chaukenozwoh, Lazarus Bourissa, Achan Bouri ssa, Achemukquee, Wesauwau, Peter Moose, Ann Sharp, Joseph Wolf, Misnoqua, Pomoqua, Wymego, Cheekeh, Wauwossemoqua, Meeksumau, Kakautmo, Richard Clements, Louis McNeff, Shoshqua, Nscoten ama, Chikawketeh, Mnsheewoh, Saugana, Msonkqua, Mnitoqua, Okutcheek, Naomi G. Browning, Antoine, St. Antoine, Mary; being in all fifty-eight.