Thursday, December 26, 2024

Veterans - World War I

The Sequoyah National Research Center, part of the Collections and Archives division at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, has created the Modern Warriors of World War I database to identify all 12,000 American Indians and Alaskan Native servicemen. The goal is to create as complete a record as possible for each man that served so that their legace of bravery and sacrifice will be remembered.

Below are those men who gave Michigan as their address.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

James Gruett

James Gruett was said to be born around 1808. Place of birth varies from Drummond Island, Michigan or Mackinac Island, Michigan or on the Islands of Lake Superior. He was the son of James Gruett and Catherine. James Sr. was said to be part of the Gruet and Laramboise trading post on Mackinac Island.

He joined siblings Catherine, William, Charlotte, Theresa and Antoine. Brother Peter was born later.

James married Mary, the daughter of Louis Masseau/Mashue and Nancy Ikwa-wa-ni-gen-its, on 13 Jan 1835. 

Oakland county marriage records book A page 211.

Daughter Sophia was born c1836

Son William was born c1838

Son James was born c1842

Daughter Julia Frances was born 4 Jul 1844

Daughter Adelaide was born c1846 in Bethany, Gratiot, Michigan

Daughter Emerette Mary was born c1848 in Bethany, Gratiot, Michigan

Son David was born c1848

Son Samuel was born c1850

Daughter Mary was born c1854

Civil War

Son James enlisted 26 Sep 1861 at Gratiot, mustered in 6 Feb 1862, as a private in Company B 10th Infantry. Wounded 1 Sep 1864 at Jonesboro, Georgia. Promoted to Corporal 25 Jun 1865. Mustered out on 19 Jul 1865 at Louisville Kentucky. 

Jim Gruet on the right.

1860 Federal Census - Bethany, Gratiot, Michigan

James Gruett, 52, farmer, $500 real estate, $250 personal, born Michigan

Mary Gruett, 45, Indian, born unknown

Sophia Gruett, 26, mixed, born Michigan

Wm Gruett, 22, mixed, born Michigan

Julia Gruett, 20, mixed, born Michigan

James Gruett, 18, mixed, born Michigan

Etheldreda Gruett, 13, mixed, born Michigan

David Gruett, 11, mixed, born Michigan

Samuel Gruett, 9, mixed, born Michigan

Maryann Gruett, 5, mixed, born Michigan

Daughter Emeretta married Carlisle W. Miller c1867

1868 Gruett Roll

#53 James Gruett

Mary, wife

Sophia, 32, has 2 yr old boy

William, 30

Julia, 28

James, 26

Adelaide, 22

Samuel, 18

Mary, 14

David, 20

#55A Sophia Gruett, single, 1 child

Son James married Emmazetta Thompson c1868

Daughter Julia married John N. Southgate

1870 Federal Census - Bethany, Gratiot, Michigan

house/family 89

Grewett, Peter, 53, farmer, $4000 real estate, $1000 personal, born Michigan

Abbie, 35, keeping house, born Michigan

Edward, 22, white, work on farm, born Michigan

Daniel, 14, white, work on farm, born Michigan

Malter?, 8, white, born Michigan

Emma, 7, white, born Michigan

Martin, 6, white, born Michigan

Alfred, 2, white, born Michigan

house/family 90

Grewett, James, 62, white, farmer, $2000 real estate, $500 personal, born Michigan

Mary, 50, Indian, keeping house, born Wisconsin

Wm. 29, Indian, work on farm, born Michigan

Samuel, 17, Indian, work on farm, born Michigan

Mary, 15, Indian, at home, born Michigan

house/family 91

Riley, Wm., 45, white, farmer, $400 real estate, born Ireland

Sophia, 33, Indian, keeping house, born Michigan

Mary A., 14, white, at home, born Michigan

Patrick, 10, white, at home, born Michigan

James, 6, white, born Michigan

Daniel, 1, Indian, born Michigan

1870 Federal Census - farm schedule

James had 30 acres improved, 10 acres wooded, farm valued at $2000, equipment valued at $75. He had 2 horses, 1 cow, 1 sheep, and 2 swine, valued at $275. He grew 75 bushels of wheat and 10 bushels of rye in 1869. 

Land records dated 6 Feb 1871 

James Sr. - W1/2 of the NE1/4 of section 13, township 14 north, range 4 west, 80 acres.

Sophia - SE1/4 of the NW1/4 of section 13, township 14 north, range 4 west, 40 acres.

William - SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of section 13, township 14 north, range 4 west, 40 acres.

James Jr. - SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of section 13, township 14 north, range 4 west, 40 acres.

Daughter Sophia married William Riley on 29 Oct 1872 in Mt. Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan

Son James died 16 Dec 1873 in Chippewa, Isabella, Michigan. The story of his death was printed in the Detroit Free Press on 20 Dec 1873.

Daughter Sophia died c1876.

Wife Mary died 2 May 1888 in Gratiot, Michigan

From the History of Isabella County, page 561

[I don't think Sophia was William's first wife, since he has older children in the 1870 census.]

1880 Federal Census - not yet located

Alma Record - 22 Feb 1895 - Tells of Billy Gruett delivering mail.

Son Samuel died 19 Feb 1896 in Isabella, Michigan

1900 Federal Census - not yet located

Daughter Julia died 14 Mar 1910 in Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan

Son William died 31 Dec 1915

Alma Record - 6 Jan 1916


Lansing State Journal 24 Oct 1937

Saginaw News 4 Jul 1950

copyright (c) 2024 Vicki Wilson


Francis Kenoshemeg was said to be born in 1840 in Michigan. He was the son of Ke no zhe meig.

1839 Annuity roll - Shee gaub beeng band, Chief Caw gin waw cossee

#23, Ke no she maig, one man, one woman, no children, received $17.68

1845 Annuity L'Arbre Croch, Chief Nay o ge maw

#15 Kin no she maig, one man, one woman, two children, received $35.84

1846 Annuity Roll - L'Arbre Croche, Chief Nay o ge maw

#15 Kim no she mong, one man, one woman, two children, received $33.44

1848 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw

#15 Kin o she maig, one man, one woman, three children, received $51.00

On 11 Sep 1849 in Emmet county, Paul Kenochameg paid $9 to Joseph Neogwish for land commencing at the SW courner of the lot woned by Antoine Makisange in ____ (2) (3) & (4) also the W1/2 of the SW1/4 section 18, township 36 north, range 6 west.

1849 Annuity Roll L'arbre Croche - Chief Nay o ge maw

#15 Ke no shaw maig, one man, one woman, three children, received $46.10

1850 Annuity Roll L'Arbre Croche, Chief Nay o ge maw

#15 Ke no she meig, one man, one woman, three children, received $44.75

1853 Annuity Roll Village of the Cross - Chief New we maish co tay

#13 Ke no she meig, one man, one woman, three children, received $45.05

1857 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay-o-ge-maw

#13 Paul Ke no she mig, one man, one woman, four children, received $30.36 

1858 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay-o-ge-maw

#11 Ke no zhe meig, one man, one woman, four children, received $25.26

1859 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay-o-ge-maw

#12 Kenozhemeig, two men, one woman, three children received $29.82 

1861 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay-o-ge-maw

#15 Key nozhemeig, one man, one woman, six children, received $36.96

1865 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay-o-ge-maw

#7 Ke no she mieg, one man, one woman, four children, received $24.00

Francis married Rose Lasley, prior to 1866.

1866 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay-o-ge-maw

#17 Ke no zhe meig, one man, one woman, two children, received $14.96

#49 Francis Ke no zhe meig, one man, one woman, no children, received $7.48

Son Matthew birth was given as 20 Feb 1864 in Manistee, Michigan. Annuity rolls show he was not born prior to 1866. 1880 census puts his age at 13.

1867 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw

#18 Ke no zhe meig, on man, one woman, two children, received $46.14

#37 Francis Ke no zhe meig, one man, one woman, one child, received $10.71

1868 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw

#13 Ke no zhe meig, one man, one woman, four children, received $95.10

#36, Francis Ke no zhe meig, one man, one woman, one child, received $47.55

On 3 Jan 1869, grandfather John Baptist Atawish died in Middle Village. He was married, aged 80 years, 2 months, 14 days, son of Magisange and Onakatario of Middle Village. Occupation was hunter, cause of death was headache.

Daughter Mary was born 1 Aug 1869 [From the Emmet County birth index]

1870 Annuity Roll - Chief New-o-ge-maw

#13 Ke-no-zhe-nug, one man, one woman, four children, received $91.80

#35 Francis Ke-no-zhe-meig, one man, one woman, two children, received $61.20

Daughter Elizabeth was born in 1872 [From 1880 census]

Daughter Theresa was born 25 Mar 1876 [From the Emmet county birth index]

Daughter Eliza Jane was said to be born 17 Mar 1878 in Michigan

On 27 Nov 1878 Francis Kenoshemeg paid $4 for entry of NW1/4 of section 8, township 36 north, range 6 west, 160 acres.

Land Patent 25 Nov 1879

1880 Federal Census - "Waganachasee (commonly called Middle Village) in Readmond", Emmet, Michigan

Otamung Street

house 21
Awwanaquot, Theresa, 43, keeping house and day laborer
Benjamin, son, common day laborer
Lucine, 6, daughter, at school
Attawish, St. Luke, 68, uncle (to first), common day laborer

house 22
Attawish, Peter, 50, farmer & day laborer
Mary, 42, wife, keephouse
Joseph, 23, son, farm laborer

house 26
Kenoshemeg, Paul, 57
Mary, 32, daughter
Ojibwa, Mary, 10, daughter to last (Mary K), at school
Neobe, Cabul, 7, son to last (Mary K)

house 27
Kenoshemeg, Francis, 40, farmer
Rose, 30, wife
Matthias, 13, son, at home
Mary, 10, daughter, at school
Elizabeth, 8, daughter, at school
Theressa, 5, daughter
Eliza, 1, daughter

1880 Federal Census - farm schedule
#2 Francis, land - 5 acres tilled, 1/8 acres meadow, 155 acres woodland/forest; value of buildings $500, value of implaments $15, value of livestock $60, estimated value of fall farm production in 1879 $70; 1 horse, 3 swine, 3 chickens, 10 dozen eggs; 1 acre corn - 20 bushels, 1 acre oats - 20 bushels, 1 acre wheat - 12 bushels, beans - 1 bushel; maple sugar - 150 pounds, molasses - 5 gallons; 1 acre potatoes - 30 bushels, 1/8 acres apples - 5 trees, 1 bushel, value 3/4 dollar.

Property tax 1880

Property tax 1881

Property tax 1882

Daughter Rosie was said to be born 1884

Son William was said to be born 26 Mar 1889. There is no record of a birth under that name, but there is a birth for Joseph T., born 27 Mar 1889. [From the Emmet county birth index]

Agatha Wedishnewaw [sister to Francis' father], died 16 Oct 1888 in Readmond. She was 63, daughter of John B. Atawish and Mary. Cause of death was consumption.

Father Paul Kenoshemeg died 16 Mar 1889 in Readmond township. He was married, age 68, son of John B. Atawish and Theresa Atawish. Occupation was laborer, cause of death consumption.

 St. Luke Atawish [brother to Francis' father], died 19 Oct 1890 in Readmond township. He was a widower, age 73, son of John B. Atawish and Mary. Cause of death was consumption. 

On 13 Jul 1891 in Harbor Springs, son Matthew, 23, born Good Hart, fisherman, son of K. Kenoshmeg and not known, married Sarahphine  Kosequot, 18, born Good Hart, daughter of Jos. Kosequet and not known. Ceremony was performed by Servatius Altmicks, Catholic priest. Witnesses were Simon and Marianne Gijijobensee. [Seraphine was born 17 Oct 1873 in Good Hart, the daughter of Joseph Kosequet and Mariah Flynn.]

On 20 Oct 1891 John, brother of Francis, son of Paul and Theresa, died.

On 6 Feb 1894 in Harbor Springs, daughter Theresa married William Keway, son of Samuel Keway and Mary Paul.

1900 Federal Census - Little Traverse Township, Emmet, Michigan

Keway, William, head, born Aug 1869, 30, married 2 years, day laborer

Therese, wife, born Nov 1874, 25, married 2 years, no children born

Francis, Rosa, sister-in-law, born Feb 1883, 17

Francis, William, brother-in-law, born Apr 1888, 12, at school

Francis died 17 Sep 1907 in Readmond township of consumption.

1908 Durant Roll Field Notes


Francis Ke-no-zhe-meig, dead; wife dead

Child 1 - Mathias Kenoshemeig, 45, Good Hart; wife Seraphine, see #2/28

    John, 16

    Edward, 14

    Julius, 3

    Alice, born Apr 13/08

Child 2 - Mary Abinaw, 40, Harbor Springs; husband Robt. Abinaw, 44, see 6 p 32; children - none

Child 3 - Eliza King, 29, Goodheart - see 52 p 29

Child 4 - Rosie Chinggwa, 24, Goodheart; husband Willie Chinggwa; children - none

Child 5 - William Kenozhemeig, 20, Goodheart, single.

#2-28 family of Matthias' wife

#6-32 family of Mary's husband

#52-29 family of Eliza's husband


#13-28 Francis's parents and siblings

Ke no zhe nug, dead; wife, dead

Child 1 - Mary (Weiss) Waw-be-gay-kake, age 70 58, Middle Village Goodheart, now wife of #9 p 28
    1 Mary Chingwa, husb. Wm Chingwa, see #53 p 29
    2 for other children of Mary Wawbegaykake - see #9 p 28

Child 2 - Sophia Nishigebinese or Sophia Bird, 57, Cross Village see #60 p 21, husband dead
    Louis Nishigebinese or Louis Bird, 35, died Apr 1908, wife Mary, 30 Beaver Island; 
            a) Amelia Bird, 3

    2 dead, husband Mitchell Anineiquowm, see #39 p 20, Cloquet, Mich
            a) Joseph Amimiquowm, 15, Carlisle School
            b) Chas, 14, Cross Village

Child 3 - Victoria Petoskey #1 - 51, Middle Village, Goodheart; husb. dead; for child see #19 p 28

Child 4 - dead

Child 5

Child 6








Francis' son Matthew died 13 Oct 1947. Unfortunately the death certificate was not filled out by a family member.

Matthew was buried at St. Ignatius cemetery in Good Hart.

Matthew's children were:

John B. was born 21 May 1892 in Middle Village, Emmet, Michigan

John died 6 Nov 1918 in Readmond township, Emmet, Michigan

John was buried at St. Ignatius in Good Hart.

Edward, born 12 Jun 1894 in Good Hart. 

He married Louise Itanigijigwebi on 26 Apr 1916. She was born 22 Jun 1892 in Pointe Aux Chene. Edward d. 30 Mar 1971 in Petoskey.

Peter was born 1 Nov 1895 [From the Emmet County birth index]

Julius Francis, born 22 Feb 1905. He married Delia Violet James on 25 Nov 1935 in Emmet county. She was born 7 Jun 1902, daughter of Levi James and Mary Shocko. Julius had a child with Lucille Priscilla Anderson, born 25 Mar 1903, daughter of Edward Anderson and Teresa Roundsky. Julius d. 28 Apr 1967 in Traverse City and was buried at St. Ignatius in Good Hart.

Petoskey News Review 29 Apr 1967

Irene, born 4 Apr 1908, Good Hart. She died 5 Jun 1931 in St. Ignace.

Alice, born 13 Apr 1908 [From Durant roll - believe she is Irene]

Enos, born 3 Jun 1909 in Good Hard. He died 8 Feb 1973 in Grand Rapids.

Enos was buried at St. Francis cemetery in Petoskey.

Levi, born 10 Jul 1912 in Good Hart. He died 22 Oct 1988 in Petoskey and was buried in St. Ignatius cemetery in Good Hart.

Mary Agnes, born 12 Feb 1914 in Good Hart. She married Martin King Sr., Mary died 3 Jun 2005 in Petoskey.

Julia Sarah, born 23 Nov 1919 in Good Hart. She died 23 Dec 2003 and was buried at St. Ignatius in Good Hart.


Francis' daughter Mary, born 4 Jul 1869 in Middle Village, died 11 Dec 1950. No children.

Petoskey News Review 11 Dec 1950


Daughter Eliza Jane died 22 Dec 1940 in Readmond township


Francis' daughter Rosie married Willis Chingwaw

When Rose died on 12 Jun 1919 in Petoskey, Emmet, Michigan, she was a widow. Cause of death was cancer of breast. Informant was her brother William Francis. She had no known children. 


Francis' son William died 25 Aug 1937.

William's child

    Frank Earl Francis, born 2 Apr 1912, died 9 Jul 1986