Rose Allen was said to be born 10 Jan 1892 in Northport, Leelanau, Michigan, the daughter of George Allen and Eliza Manitowash. She joined sister Grace, born 28 Jan 1888 and brother Isaac born 1891.
Brother Bennet was born in 1895
Brother Jacob was born in 1897
Grandmother Anna/Emma/Onje e qua (mother of George Allen) died 23 Apr 1899 of old age.
1900 Federal Census - Leelanau township, Leelanau, Michigan
Allen, Grace L., niece, born Feb 1888, 12, at school, full Ottawa, in household of Lewis and Nancy Petoskey.
The 1900 Census for the rest of the family has not been found.
Brother Wesley was born 2 May 1901
1902 was a hard year, with three siblings dying in less than seven months..
Sister Grace died 2 May 1902 in Leelanau township. Age 14 years, 3 months, 4 days. Cause of death pneumonia.
Brother Wesley died 2 Aug 1902 in Leelanau, Michigan, from bronchitis, at the age of 1 year 3 months.
Brother Jacob died 25 Nov 1902 in Leelanau, Michigan, cause unknown. Age was given as 5 years.
Sister Annie was born 18 Jul 1903 [from her death certificate]
Sister Annie died 23 Jan 1905 in Leelanau township of cause unknown.
Sister Harriett/Hattie Bigjoe was said to be born 17 Sep 1907
Rose was enrolled in Mt. Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School.
Mt. Pleasant Register - 1908
Rose Allen, Ottawa, father George Allen, residence Omena, full, age 13, admitted Sep 1908 for 3 years.
Durant Roll - 1908
line 13 page 38 - Chaw-way-cush-cum, dead
child 5 - John Bigjoe, 45, Gills Pier
wife Eliza (Allen), nee Man-do-wash, age 35 40, Gills Pier 1st husband George Allen
1) Isaac Allen, age 18 17, Genoa Nebr
2) Rosie Allen, age 16 15, Mt. Pleasant Sch.
3) Bennett Allen, age 12 13, Chilocco Okla
4)Arite Bigjoe (female), age 1, born Sep 17/07 on 2nd roll
On 9 Jul 1908 mother Eliza filed for divorce. It was granted on 19 Oct 1908 with the stipulation that she could not remarry for six months, while George could not remarry for one year.
Mother Eliza married John Big Joe on 26 Apr 1909 in Gills Pier, Leelanau, Michigan. Ceremony was performed by Rev. John Jacobs, Elder of the M.E. Church. Witnesses were Nancy W?kishik and James Cobb.
1910 Federal Census, Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan
Big Joe, John, 43, head, married 3 times, married for 5 years, farmer
Liza, wife, 34, married twice, married 5 years, 4 children born, 4 children living
Isaac, son, 20
Lucy, daughter, 17
Bennett, son, 11
Hattie, daughter, 3
[While given the surname Big Joe, the older children are actually Eliza's children with George Allen. Lucy is Rose.]
Brother Alfred Bigjoe was said to be born 27 May 1910
Mt. Pleasant school registers - 1910
Rose Allen, Ottawa, father George Allen, residence Omena, full, age 14, admitted Sep 1908 for 3 years.
Rose left Mt. Pleasant School on 20 Jun 1912 and was enrolled in Carlisle Industrial School in Pennsylvania on 8 Nov 1913. Her aunt, Nancy Newman of Bayshore signed originally, later changed to father George Allen.
Brother Wesley Bigjoe was said to be born in 1913
Link to Rose's Carlisle school records. Included in her records was a warranty deed to sell land to her father that she never signed. Land was 5 acres - W1/2 of NE1/4 of SE1/4 of NW1/4 of section 15 in township 31 North, Range 11 West.
Brother Isaac was married on 24 Jan 1914 to Anna Andrews, in Leelanau, Michigan
On 28 Apr 1914 father George married Sarah Walker in in Honor, Benzie, Michigan
Brother Fred Bigjoe was born 17 Sep 1915.
Rose returned from Carlisle in Jun 1916.
Mother Eliza died 7 May 1917 in Leelanau township
Rose was married 21 Nov 1917 in Peshawbestown, Leelanau, Michigan to Joseph Shocko.
1940 Federal Census - Lawrence City, Douglas, Kansas - Haskell Institute
Bigjoe, Welsey, 27, born Michigan, 1935 resided in Leelanau, Michigan; occupation: supervisor transportation at Indian institute.
Brother Fred Bigjoe died 7 Apr 1941 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan. His age was given as 25 years, 6 months, 20 days. His widow, Rose, was 18. Cause of death was cerebral accident.
Brother Alfred Bigjoe died 25 Aug 1993 and was buried in Omena.
Copyright (c) 2020 Vicki Wilson