Thursday, February 25, 2021

Thomas Nay-a-to-shing

Thomas Nay-a-to-shing was said to be born Nov 1847 in Michigan, son of Antoine Naytoshing and Mary Ann.

In 1836 the Carp River Band under Chief Mich i nock was located in Leelanau County, T30N R12W, Sections 4 and 9. There were 103 members in this band in 1836 and O naw maw neece became the chief of this band in 1839 and the population increased to 232. By 1855 the population had dropped to 153. O naw maw neece died around 1858 and Waw say quo um became the chief of this band. He continued as chief into the 1870s. At least one member of this band purchased land prior to the 1855 treaty and most of the members of this band took allotment selections in the same area north of their 1836 village.

On 4 Aug 1854 Antwine Natoshing, 28, married Abina Inlemoqua, 27; and William Natashing, 24, married Wasichewa, 20. Both ceremonies performed by Geo. N. Smith

1855 land allotment 

Antoine Nay aw to shing - NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of section 5, T31N, R11W, containing 60.28 acres and SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of section 8, T31N, R11W, containing 40 acres.

1855 Annuity Roll - Carp River band [transcription only]

#4 Nay te shing, Antoine, one man, one woman, three children, received $41.60

#24 Nay za to shing, William, one man, one woman, three children, received $41.60

1858 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#4 Nay to shine, one man, one woman, four children, received $25.26

#21 Nay aw to shing, one man, one woman, three children, received $21.05

1859 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#4 Nay aw to shing, one man, one woman, four children, received $29.82

#20 Nay aw to shing, one man, one woman, three children, received $24.85

1860 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Antwain Nanbsion?, 34, farmer, real estate valued at $200, personal estate valued at $100

Ogamahbunagua, 54

Mary Ann, 30

Sophia, 15

Thomas, 12

James, 6

Cah___, female, 4

Penas, female, 4/12

1861 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#3 Nay aw to shing, one man, one woman, five children, received $32.34

#16 Nay aw to shing, one man, one woman, four children, received $27.72

Sister Sophia married Gabriel Peshaba on 30 Nov 1861.

1865 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#5 Nay aw to shing, 2nd, one man, one woman, four children, recieved $24

#9 Nay aw to shing, 1st, one man, one woman, three children, received $20

1866 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#5 Nay a to shing, 1st, one man, one woman, four children, received $22.44

#9 Nay a to shing, 2nd, one man, one woman, three children, received $18.70

1867 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#5 Nay a to shing 1st, one man, one woman, four children, received $21.42

#6 Nay a to shing 2nd, one man, one woman, four children, received $21.42

Thomas Natoshing, 20, farmer, married Esther Manitagabowu?, 16, on 14 Sep 1868 in Northport. Ceremony was performed by Rev. Geo. N. Smith. Witnesses were William Natoshing and George Weayhe?

1868 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#6 Wm Nay a toshing, one man, one woman, four children, received $95.10

#9 Antoine Nay a to shing, one man, one woman, three children, received $79.25

#22 Thos. Nay a to shing, one man, one woman, no children, received $31.70

1870 Annuity Roll - Chief Waw say quo um's band

#6 Wm Na gu to shing, one man, one woman, three children, received $76.50

#9 Antoine Na gu to shing , one man, one woman, four children, received $91.80

#22 Thos. Nay a to shing, one man, one woman, one child, received $45.90 [Is the child Peter?]

1870 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Naatoshik, Antwine, 46, farmer, real estate valued  $200

Mary Ann, 40

James, 15

Terressa, 9

Mary Ann, 4

Naatoshik, William, 40, farmer, real estate $800, personal estate valued $239

Nesatt, 34

George, 20

Anna, 17

Mary, 6

William, 3

No entry has been found yet for Thomas

1870 Federal Census - farm schedule

Naatoshik, Antwine, 22 acres improved, 18 acres wooded, valued at $200; 1 horse, 2 oxen, 3 swine, livestock valued at $25; produced 100 bushels corn, 50 bushels oats.

Naatoskik, William, 10 acres improved, 30 acres wooded, valued at $800; 1 horse, 3 swine, livestock valued at $139; produced 80 bushels corn.

Son Peter was said to be born about 1870  

Brother Antoine Jr. was said to be born 15 Jul 1871 [from his death certificate]

Thomas, age 24, farmer, married 4 May 1872 in Northport, to Mary Wahyaquahqushig, 16. Ceremony performed by E. E. Kirklind, minister of the gospel. Witnesses were J. Kesis Ahgosa and John Pepeqwa.

Son Joseph was born 5 May 1873. 

Wife Mary died 1 Apr 1875. Her age was given as 19, daughter of Peter and Margaret Shaubandering. Cause of death was consumption. Son Joseph died 9 May 1875. His age was given as 7 months, cause of  death unknown.


1880 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan
Naytoshing, Antoine, 58, farmer
Adeline, 54, wife, keeping house
Thomas, 36, son, laborer
James, 30, son, sailor
Joseph, 9, grandson
David, 1, grandson

A warranty deed dated 17 May 1882 from Chester J Stebbins and wife to trustees of Northport Indian Mission ME Church, including Thomas Antoine, for the amount of $15.

Daughter Mary Ann / Marian was born 17 Jul 1888. Parents given as Thomas and Nancy.

Wife Nancy died 11 Jun 1889, age 34. Parents were given as Wahsaykum and Nancy. Cause of death was consumption.

Brother James died 7 Dec 1889 of consumption. He was 32, married and a farmer. Parents listed as Antoine and Susan

1894 State Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Natoshing, Antoine, 68, farmer
Mary A., 65, wife, 10 children born, 3 children living
Thomas, 47, son, widow, 3 children born, 3 children living, farm laborer
Antoine, 20, son, farm laborer
Mary A., 5, daughter, at home
Peter F., 20, son, at school

1900 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Naytoshing, Antoine, born Nov 1814, 85, married 50 years, farmer, claims father white, mother Ottawa.
Mary A., wife, born May 1825, 75, 8 children born, 3 children living
Thomas A., son, born Nov 1847, 52, widowed, day laborer
Mary A., granddaughter, born Jul 1887, 12
Antoin, son, born Oct 1872, 27, day laborer

Brother Antoine, 27, son of Antoine, married on 5 Aug 1900 in Omena, to Julia Ogemegegedo, 18, daughter of David. Ceremony performed by Thomas Nield, clergyman.

Father Antoine died 6 Dec 1902 in Leelanau township., His age was given at 82, 8 children born - 3 children living. Cause of death was Gripp / Heart failure. Burial at Onominese. Informant was Tom Antoine.

Onominese cemetery

Brother Antoine Jr. died 25 Dec 1902, cause unknown. He was married, has one child - living, son of Antoine, buried in Onominese.

Mother Mary Naytoshing died 24 Feb 1908 in Leelanau township. Her age was given as 84 years 6 months, 10 children born, 2 children living. Cause of death was consumption, burial at Onominese. Informant was Thomas A. Naytoshing.

Family photo - Marian in center back. Actually location and date unknown.

1908 Durant Field Notes

page 38 line 22

Thomas Nay-a-to-shing or Thomas Antoine, age 60, PO Northport; wife dead

child 1 - Peter Antoine or Pete Nay-to-shinge, age 36, PO Hammon, OK, "heard from him about week ago", Sept. 21/08 Durant

child 2 - Therese Antoine Wah-sa-quoum, age 32, see 26-23

child 3 - Mary Ann Nay-to-shing #2, age 21, PO Northport, see 2-39, not married

child 4 - Archie Nay-to-shing, age 7, nephew, son of Antoine Nay-to-shing, Jr. see 9-38

page 23 line 26

Waw-say-quo-um or Peter Wasayquon #2, age, 70, PPO Charlevoix; wife Mary, age 60

child 3 - Isaish Wahsaquom, age 34, wife Thresa Wahsaquom, nee Antoine, age 32, see 22-38 and 5-60; their children are Emma, age 3; Sarah, age 2; Jerome born Sep 1908.

page 39 line 2

O-Mosh-ke-day-se-quay, dead; wife not given

child 4 - Nancy, dead; husband Thomas Nay-to-shing, see 22-38; their children: Mary Coon, nee Pe-gon-gay, age 36, see 11-38; Jane Pe-quon-gay-Tabasosh, see 11-38; Mary Nay-to-shing, see 22-38 [While this page says all three of Nancy's children are Thomas' page 11-38 gives a different father for Mary Coon and Jane Tabasosh]

page 60 line 5 sheet #2

Charley Joe, age 54, lives on Hamlin Lake; wife Lizzie Joe, age 50;

children of Lizzie Joe by first husband Thomas Antoine; Jane Antoine Theodore, age 31, Freesoil; Thresa (Antoine) Wasaquaumm age 28 PO Charlevoix

page 9 line 38

Antoine Na-ga-ti-shing or Na-to-shing, dead; wife Mary Ann Na-to-shing, age 84, died Feb 24, 1908.

child 1 - dead

child 2 - dead

child 3 -dead

child 4 - Antoine Jr., dead; wife name not given; child Archie Na-to-shing, age 7, lives with Thomas Na-to-shing, 22-38

child 5 - Sophia Pa-sha-bay; husband Gabriel Pa-sha-bay, 15-42

child 6 - Thomas Na-to-shing, 22-38

On 14 Jul 1908 in Leland, Jackson Joseph Brown, 25, married Agnes Shahanaquete, 18, daughter of Isaac Shananaquete and Elizabeth Keway. Jackson gives his father as Thomas Antoine. The Durant Roll Field Notes #8 page 23 list Jackson as the adopted child of Peter Shaw-waw-day-se.

Photo of daughter Mary Ann / Marian

Daughter Marian, 22, daughter of Thomas Antoine and Nancy Pricket, was married on 16 Oct 1908 to John W. Robinson, 25, son of Foster Robinson and Eliza. Ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Bentall. Witnesses were John Cobb and Thomas Nayoshing.

Sister Sophia died 2 Mar 1909 at age 67. She was widowed, 11 children born, 5 children living, buried Peshawbestown.

Sister Margaret died 15 Dec 1910. Her age was 74 years, 7 months. Cause of death was old age; burial at Onominese; informant Thomas Naytoshing.

1910 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Naytoshing, Thomas, 62, widowed, farmer on general farm

Robinson, John W., son-in-law, 27, married once, married 4 years, laborer at odd jobs

"   Mary A., daughter, 23, married once, married 4 years, 1 child born, 1 child living

"   Clarence, grandson, 9 months

Naytoshing, Archie, nephew, 9

all claim full Ottawa

Mother Mary Ann's estate entered probate 1 Feb 1911

Daughter Marian Robinson, nee Antwine, 24, daughter of Thomas Antwine, married once, married on 20 Dec 1911, in Northport, to Levi Wonegeshig, 22, son of James Wonegeshig and Nancy Panegesig. Ceremony performed by Chas. E. Thies, Pastor M.E. Church, witnesses were James Wonegeshig and Thos. A. Naytoshing.

The Leelanau Enterprise of 4 Jan 1917 tells that Thomas had sold land in 1913 to Clinton L. Dayton and gave Mr. Dayton a mortgage that was in default. Land was lot 1 in section 5.

1920 Federal Census

Antwine, Thomas, 71, widowed, farming - general, location isolated.

Thos. Antoine Na-to-shing, died 7 Feb 1922 of pneumonia at about 76 years of age. He was the son of Antoine Natoshing and buried at Onominese.

Leelanau Enterprise, 9 Feb 1922, mentions Thomas' death.

Copyright (c) 2021 Vicki Wilson


  1. Great work you have going on here. Just stumbled on it doing some genealogy. Hats off to you!!

  2. How do I get into contact with Vicki Wilson?

    1. Could you email me a clearer image of the following: Warranty Deed, 2nd page for both Mary and Nancy's record of death. Miigwech

    2. Send me your email address
