Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mary and Jacob Sogod

The earliest record found so far of Mary and Jacob are from the 1868 and 1870 Indian rolls.

1868 May-yaw-waw-che-won, 0 men, 1 woman, 0 children, received $15.85 #44
1870 May-yaw-waw-che-won, 0 men, 1 woman, 0 children, received $15.30  #30  page 46

Jacob's father:
1868 Ke me waw nish cum, 1 man, 1 woman, 1 child, received $47.55 #19
1870 Ke me waw nish cum, 1 man, 1 woman, 1 child, received $45.90 #14 page 46

1868 - father only claims one child at home, but Jacob is not yet found on his own.
1870 Ne-so-kat, 1 man, 0 women, 0 children, received $15.30 #32 page 46

Kay-me-waw-nish-skung purchased on 26 Jun 1872  the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of section 12, township 29 north, range 9 west. Document 1011.

The 1897 plat map shows Jacob owning land in section 6, township 29 north, range 8 west.

The 1900 census states Jacob Sogod was born Jan 1853 (age 47) in Michigan, full Ottawa, farmer, his parents were born in Michigan and were full Ottawa. Wife Mary is listed as being born in Feb 1845 (age 55) married 31 years, no children born. Mary and her parents are also full Ottawa, born in Michigan.

The 1908 durant roll field notes #32 page 46  Ne-so-kat, known as Jacob Sogot. Wife "on roll as 30/46, age 75 with the 7 written over a 5, resides Kewadin. States the couple had no children.

Durant Field Note #14 page 46 shows Jacob's father as Ke-me-waw-aish-cum, deceased.

Durant field note #30 page 46 is Maywawwawchewon, age 70, now wife of #32 page 46 [This is Mary].

The Kewadin Indian Mission records list both Mary and Jacob Sogott. Jacob is said to be brother of Peter White. Mary is listed as Catholic and it is said became Catholic while Koons was pastor (1908-1910).

 The 1910 Federal Census of Torch Lake township states Jacob is age 70, married once, married 30 years, speaks English and Indian, farmer while Mary is age 50, married once, married 30 years, speaks Indian.

The Traverse City Police Records 191-1916, page 211, state that on September 10 (year unknown) "Arrested Jacob Sogot and Robert McClenech,  DD [drunk and disorderly] then put them in city prison to sober up and let them out to leave town."

In 1920 the federal census has them back in Milton township, Jacob in 70 (same age as 10 years ago) and a farmer. Mary is now 80 (30 years older than in 1910). John George, 70, widowed, boarder, farm laborer is resided with the Sogods.

On 4 Jan 1925 the following article appears in the Battle Creek Enquirer

Photo of Jacob:
Photo of Mary:

Photos from Craig Bridson - taken circa 1920s, Kewadin.

Phyllis Brothers (cousin to Byrnece White below) remembered Mary. "She lived in the Indian church parsonage in back of my grandfather's place."

 "Jacob and Mary Sogot were very well known by the white settlers and lived and died where the present log cabin stands. He helped build the log cabin and church. Left no descendants. Died 1929."
[From "1865-1965 Milton Township Centennial"].

Percy Noble counted Jacob among his friends. "So God. No, I am not being profane. That was the honest-to-goodness name of one of my Indian friends. So God was a farmer as long as I knew him, prosperous or not, I don't know, but he was quite a character, sober most of the time, but getting a trifle polluted occasionally when he came to town. In spite of that, he lived to a good old age; he must have been close to the century mark, and his wife, too."[From "Noble Memories. A Firsthand Recollection of Northern Michigan's Lumber Boom Days" by Percy Noble of Elk Rapids, edited by Nancy Niblack Baxter, 1981. Page 150]

“When Mrs. Sogod got ill and was going to die, she wouldn't stay in her house. There was an old dilapidated table by our house. This was in October, cold, windy. She was out there, black clothes on, blowing in the wind, tattered – my gracious. She was going to die, she told me. She wouldn't die in her house.” Story from Byrnece White (nee Nelson) page 285. [From "Voices on the Water An Oral and Pictorial History of Antrim County's Chain of Lakes, A Northern Michigan Journal" by Glenn Ruggles, 1998]

On both 27 Jun 1927 and 27 Jun 1928 a story was published in the Traverse City Record Eagle about a treasure said to have been buried by Native American's on the farm land now owned by John Steiner. It tells of several Natives - Jacob Sogod, John Wabasquad and this younger brother Peter being questioned at the Elk Rapids bank in an attempt to discover the location of the buried gold. [Peter Wabasquad is the same man as Peter White who is identified as Jacob Sogod's brother in the Kewadin Indian Mission church records].

The meeting at the bank moved to Peter Wa-be-squah's house in Kewadin.

The location of the treasure was not found. Why the article appears on the same day a year apart is unknown.

Mary died 2 Dec 1929 (with her age given as about 116) and is buried in the Kewadin Indian Mission cemetery. [Her age is more likely 84 - to match her birth of 1845 on the 1900 census].

Mary's obituary was printed in the Benton Harbor News Palladium 4 Dec 1929. (Similar notice printed same day in Battle Creek Enquirer.) Her name is given as Mary Marks Sogod.

In the 1930 Federal Census,  Jacob is 81 and widowed, no occupation, still living in Milton township.

The Mancelona Herald of 17 Oct 1935 tells of Jacob's niece to her home in Petoskey to care for him.

Jacob died in Petoskey on 9 Sep 1939. His age is given as 104 years 2 months. [He has aged 23 years since the census of nine years prior. His true age is closer to 86 based on being 47 on the 1900 census]. Jacob is also buried in the Kewadin Indian Mission cemetery.

A death notice appeared in the Petoskey Evening News of 11 Sep 1939.

Copyright (c) 2016 Vicki Wilson

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Geneva Howard

The Ancestors of Geneva Howard

John Howard, age 26, resident of Brimley, occupation Sta. Engineer, son of James Howard and Betsy Tiash married Jennie Chippewa, 23, resident of Suttons Bay, occupation seamstress, daughter of Samuel Chippewa and Angeline. They were married by a minster of the M.E. Church on 13 Sep1911 in Sault Ste Marie. Witnesses were Samuel and Mrs. S. Chippewa

Baby daughter Veradena died on 15 Oct 1921 at the age of 1 year, 3 months, 5 days. She is buried in the Peshabestown cemetery.

1930 Federal Census - Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County has John, 48, farm laborer, Jennie, wife, 39, Garland P., son, 17, Sylvester, son, 16, Charles, son, 12, Geneva, daughter, 8, Vernadena, daughter, 5, Beatrice, daughter, 3.

In 1940 the John and family are living in Suttons Bay, Leelanau County. John is 50, a farmer, and lived in the same house in 1935. He has completed high school. Jennie is 50 and completed the 8th grade. Children Garland, 27, Verndine, 15 and Beatrice, 12 at living at home.

Geneva Margaret Howard, daughter of John Howard and Jennie Chippewa, married 3 Nov 1952 in Suttons Bay, Leelanau county, to Amos Bemis, son of James Bemis and Agnes Blackman.

Two known children were born to this couple. Francine who died 1 Aug 1955 in Traverse City at the age of 1 1/2, and a son who was born the day of his sister's funeral.

From the Traverse City Record-Eagle of 4 Aug 1955.

From the Traverse City Record-Eagle of 5 Aug 1955. 

Photo of Amos

Sgt. Amos J. Bemis, born 1919, died 1979, US Army WWII, buried Peshabestown.

Other children of John Howard and Jenny include Garland born 11 Mar 1912, died 5 Mar 1974, Suttons Bay, Leelanau county and Sylvester born 4 Sep 1914, died 1 Jul 1948.

Jenny Chippewa Howard, born Dec 1887, died 8 Nov 1952, Livingston, Otsego county, daughter of Sam Chippewa and Angeline Pondyck.


Samuel Chippewa was born about 1840. He was the son of Joseph Chippewa (1815-1881)  and Mary Mosiqua (1820-?).

1868 roll #1 in Naw O Quay Ke Zhick's band is Joseph Ke Che Ojibway, 1 man, 1 woman, 5 children, $110.95
1870 roll #18-41 is Joseph Ke-che-o-jib-way / Jos. Chippewa 1 man, 1 woman, 4 children $91.80

Angeline was born about 1844. She was the daughter of Pawn-de-gay-aw-she.

1868 roll #14 in Waw-say-quo-um's band is Pawn de gay aw she, 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children $79.25
1870 roll #14-38 is Pawn-de-gay-aw-she, 1 man, 1 woman, 2 children, $61.20

By 1880 Samuel and Angeline have married. 

The 1880 Federal Census finds Samuel, 40, a farmer,  living in Suttons Bay township, Leelanau county with wife Angeline, 30 and sons Leos, 8 and Charles 6.

The Michigan State census of 1894 gives the family living in Peshawbestown. Saml. Chippewa, 48, wife Angeline, 39, children, Charley, 19, Lucy, 14, Maggie, 12, Charlotte, 8, Nancy, 5 and Rosy 2.

The family lost two of the children later in 1894. Charles S. died 16 Sep 1894 age 16; Nancy died 8 Jul 1894 age 6; both died in Suttons Bay township.

Between 1895 and 1903 Samuel sent his daughters Jennie, Lucy, Maggie and Lazenia to school at Mt.. Pleasant.

Surnamefirst name

tribeguardian or parentfathermotherbloodage

ChippewaIda or JennieSuttons BayLeelanauOttawaSamuel Chippewafull141903 September 12Historical 1905409-410
2ChippewaJennieSuttons BayLeelanauSam Chippewalivinglivingfull111897 July 1Historical195-196
2ChippewaJennieSuttons BayLeelanauSam Chippewalivinglivingfull121898 July 11899 June 27Historical211-212
ChippewaJennieSuttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewa171903 October 8Historical 1904389-390
2ChippewaJennie CharlottexSuttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewafull101896 September 9Admittted47-48

96ChippewaLazeniaSuttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewalivingliving71899 July 11899 August 15Historical245-246

172ChippewaLozemasSuttons BayLeelanauSam Chippewalivingliving61898 August 23Historical223-224
ChippewaLuceleSuttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewa131903 October 8Historical 1904389-390
ChippewaLucilleSuttons BayLeelanauChippewaSamuel Chippewafull161907 August 283Registers 1907Females
147ChippewaLucyxSuttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewalivinglivingfull171896 September 9Admittted57-58
147ChippewaLucySuttons BayLeelanauSam Chippewalivinglivingfull181897 July 1Historical201-202
147ChippewaLucySuttons BayLeelanauSam Chippewalivinglivingfull191898 July 11899 June 27Historical219-220
ChippewaLucySuttons BayLeelanauOttawaSamuel Chippewafull181903 September 123Historical 1905409-410

79ChippewaMaggie S.Suttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewalivinglivingfull131895 July 1Admittted35-36
79ChippewaMaggie S.Suttons BayLeelanauChippewaSam Chippewalivingliving111895 September 5Admittted41-42line through
0ChippewaMaggie S.July 12 1896none listedunknownnone enterednone entered1896 July 1Admittted59-60

1900 census finds Samuel living in Suttons Bay, farmer, married 30 years. Wife Angeline is 50, married 30 years, 11 children born, 4 living; Lucy, daughter, b. Aug 1874, 20, Jennie, b. Jan 1886, 14, at school, Losena, b. Aug 1891, 8, at school.

There is a marriage license dated 31 Oct 1903 in Leelanau county for Rose Chippewa, 21 and Joseph Peshawby, 20. There is no info that the marriage took place.

 Lucy, 26, was married to Samuel S. Pontiac, 31 at Bellaire, Antrim county, on 3 May 2908.

Durant Field Notes #18 page 41 
Samuel Chippeway, 62, resides Suttons Bay
Angeline, 58, wife
 1. Angeline Ance (see 8/42)
 2. Enos (see 5/43)
 3. Lucy Pontiac (see 5/41)
 4. Jennie, 20, at Mt. Pleasant School
 5. Lucile, 17
 6. Martin, 4


Jennie received 80 acres of land on 12 Oct 1908, #21084, N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of section 5 of T34N R13W Leelanau county. She sold the land to Sterling M. and Eva C. Nickerson on 28 Apr 1954, #1144103.

Lucy received 80 acres of land on 12 Oct 1908, #21083, E 1/2 of SE 1/2 of section 31 of T35N R13W Leelanau county. She sold the land to Sterling M. and Eva C. Nickerson on 28 Apr 1954 #1144104.

In 1910 Samuel was living in Suttons Bay, Leelanau county, age 67, married twice, married for 35 years, farmer on own farm; wife Angeline is 53, also married twice, 10 children born, 5 children living; Martin, grandson, 6, Samuel Pontiac, son-in-law, 35, married once, 4 years, Lucy Pontiac, daughter, 3, also married once, 1 child born, 0 children living; Jennie Chippeway, daughter, 22; Lucile Chippeway, daughter, 19. All speak English except Martin.

Lozrana received 40 acres on 18 Jan 1912, NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of section 5, T34N R13W Leelanau county, #243539. Sold to Sterling M. and Eva C. Nickerson on 2 Feb 1954, #1142656.

Angeline Chippewa died on 1 May 1920 in Suttons Bay township, Leelanau county.

Samuel Chippewa died on 11 Jan 1923 in Suttons Bay township, Leelanau county.

Angeline Ance (daughter of Samuel Chippewa and 1st wife Agnes Shawinebinese) died 11 Oct 1925.

Lucy Simon (daughter of Samuel and Angeline Chippewa) died 26 Jan 1936 in Suttons Bay township.

Enos Chippewa died 4 Sep 1945 in Northport, age 74.


James Howard Saboo was the son of Naw-ke-way.

1868 roll - Naw key way 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, $79.25
1870 roll - Naw-ke-way 1 man, 1 woman, 5 children, $107.10

1900 Federal census of Bay Mills, Chippewa county. James Howard, b. Jul 1857, 47, married 3 years, laborer in lumberyard, Susan, wife, b. Aug 1866, 33, married 3 years, Eliza, daughter, b. Jan 1888, age 12.

From 1901 to 1907 James sent Elijah, John and (Susan) Eliza to Mt. Pleasant School.

Student No.SurnameGivenMaleFemaleUnnamed ColumnAgency or Post OfficeCountyNation or TribeFather or GuardianFather Living DeadMother Living DeadBloodAgeHeightArrive At SchoolFor What Period EnteredWithdrawnDeath DateRemarksData SetPageTrans NotesSpellings
149HowardElijahBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howard121901 September 93 yrsHistorical325-326
HowardElizaBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull101901 SeptemberHistorical 1904381-382
HowardElizaBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull151904 August 303Historical 1905413-414
239HowardElizaBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howard151904 August 303Historical 1906521-522
HowardElizaBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull171907 September 43Registers 1907Females
164HowardJohnBay MillsChippewaChippewanot listed165-6 1/41901 September 9Historical301-302t;ribe marked as Ottawa on page
38HowardJohnBay MillsChippewaChippewanot listedfull171901 September 9Historical 1902-1903331-332
HowardJohnBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull181901 SeptemberHistorical 1904365-366
HowardJohnBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull191904 September 223Historical 1904-1905407-408
48HowardJohnBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howard181901 September3Historical 1906507-508
HowardJohnBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull211907 September 43Registers 1907Males
44HowardSusan ElizaBay MillsChippewaChippewaJames Howardfull9Historical 1902-1903351-352

Durant Roll Field Notes show James Howard Saboo as son of Naw-Ke-way (deceased). James is 56 and resides at Bay Mills. His second wife is Susan. Children by his first wife are John Saboo or John Howard, 23, at Mt. Pleasant school, Eliza Howard, 20, at Mt. Pleasant school.  Ovinia, age 5 is daughter of James and Susan.

James and Susan's marriage record is dated 3 Apr 1909 in Brimley. James, 55, is son of John Nockaway and Eliza Waboose. Susan Brown, nee Perrault, is daughter of Charles Perrault and Margaret Mangoose.

The 1910 federal census of Bay Mills says James S. is 55, married twice, for 12 years, Susan, 39, married twice, for 12 years, 6 children born, 3 children living, Also in the family are daughter Orvenia, 5, daughter Eliza, 19, and stepson Henry Brown, 17. James' occupation is loading boats.

In 1910 John, age 24, is an engineer at Mt. Pleasant school. On the same page is Jennie Chippewa, 20. She is also employed at Mt. Pleasant school as an assistant seamstrees.

Orvinia Roseanne Howard (daughter of James and Susan) was born 6 Nov 1904 in Sault Ste. Marie, married William E. Williams, and died 17 Jan 1981 in Hancock.
