Sunday, January 9, 2022

Daniel Chippewa 1852-1935

Daniel Chippewa was baptized in Eagletown, in what is now Leelanau county on 8 Feb 1852 at 8 days old. Parents were given as Josephus Otchipewa and Maria Mosokwe. Joseph was also known as Ke-che-o-jib-way, Ojibway, Chippewa and Chippeway. Mary's name was also spelled Mosiqua. Daniel joined known siblings Lewis, Samuel, Joseph, Moses, Andrew, Margrette, and Mary.

Land Allotments - 1855

"Shaw bwaw sung's Band was a small band which split off from Agosa's band around 1840. The population of this band in 1842 was 52 individuals, with the population increasing to 75 in 1855. Shaw bwaw sung was the chief until about 1861 when most of his old band came under Chief Kaw zhe gwaw ne gay. Shaw bwaw sung's band selected most of their allotments in sections 4, 9, and 10 of township 31 north, range 11 west." [From Larry Wyckoff]

Joseph O jjib way Senr. N1/2 NE1/4 of section 4, township 30 north, range 11 west, 80.35 acres

Joseph O jib way Junr. E1/2 NW 1/4 of section 4, township 30 north, range 11 west, 80.35 acres

Tract book page 23

1858 Annuity Roll - Chief Shaw-bwaw-sung
#2 Joseph Ojibway Senr, one man, one woman, four children, received $25.26
#5 Joseph Ojibway Junr, one man, one woman, one child, received $12.63

Brother Peter was said to be born in 1858. 

1859 Annuity Roll - Chief Shaw bwaw sung

#2 Joseph Ojibway Senr, one man, one woman, four children, received $29.82

#3 Naw o quay ge zhe goonse, one man, one woman, one child, received $14.91

#5 Joseph Ojibway Junr, one man, one woman, one child, received $14.91

Brother Lewis (second child with the name) was born about 1859.

1860 Federal Census - Centerville township, Leelanau county, Michigan

Chippewa, 50, farmer, land valued at $900; personal valued at $272.

Mosiqua, 40

Lewis, 22, farm laborer

Margarett, 17

Samuel, 17

Joseph, 16

Moses, 14

Margrette, 10

Tonain, 8, male [this is Daniel]

Mary, 6

Peen, 2 [this is Peter]

Tenace, 1, female [this child is unknown, and Lewis born 1859 is missing]

1861 Annuity Roll - Chief Naw o quay ke zhick
#31 Joseph Ojibway Senr, one man, one woman, five children, received $32.34
#32 Naw o quay ge zhe goonse, one man, one woman, two children, received $18.48

1865 Annuity Roll - Chief Naw o quay ke zhick
#2 Joseph Ke che o jib way Senr, one man, one woman, seven children, received $36.00
#14 Naw o quay ge zhe goonse, one man, one woman, three children, received $20.00

1866 Annuity Roll - Chief Naw o quay ke zhick
#1 Joseph Ke che o jib way, one man, one woman, seven children, received $33.66
#8 Naw o quay ge zhe gonse, one man, one woman, four children, received $22.44

1867 Annuity Roll - Chief Naw o quay ke zhick
#1 Jos. Ke che jo jib way, one man, one woman, six children, received $28.56
#10 Naw o quay ge zhe gonse, one man, one woman, three children, received $17.85

1868 Annuity Roll - Chief Naw o quay ke zhick
#1 Joseph Ke che o jib way, one man, one woman, five children, received $110.95
#10 Naw o quay ge zhe gonse, one man, one woman, four children, received $95.10

Brother Moses died 27 Mar 1868 of consumption. His age was given as 24 years, 5 months, 3 days.

1870 Annuity Roll - Chief Naw o quay ke zhick
#10 Naw-o-quay-ge-zhe-gonse or Louis Chippeway, one man, one woman, three children, received $76.50
#18 Joseph Ke-che-o-jib-way, one man, one woman, four children, received $91.80

1870 Federal Census - Bingham township, Leelanau, Michigan

Chipewa, Joseph, 56, farmer

Mary, 45, keeping house

Anthony, 20, farm labor

Daniel, 17

Lewis, 10

Peter, 7

Chipewa, Joseph, 26, laborer

Madiline, 18, keeping house

Sophia, 6

Susan, 3

Peter, 2

Chipewa, Samuel, 30, laborer

Angeline, 25, keeping house

Chipewa, Lewis, 32, laborer

Margaret, keeping house

Terrisa, 11

Catharine, 8

Angeline, 5

1870 farm schedule

Chipewa, Joseph, 30 acres improved, 58 acres wooded, valued at $1,056, implements/machinery valued at $80; 3 horses, 2 cows, 2 oxen, 2 other cattle, 6 swine, livestock valued at $650; produced in 1879 - 33 bushels winter wheat, 40 bushels corn, 60 bushels oats.

Chipewa, Lewis, 20 acres improved, 20 acres wooded, valued at $400; 1 horse, 1 cow, 2 other cattle, 1 swine, livestock valued at $205; produced in 1879 - 40 bushels winter wheat, 10 bushels corn, 30 bushels oats.

1880 Federal Census - Bingham township, Leelanau county, Michigan

Chippewa, Joseph, 58, farmer

Mary, 60, wife, keeping house

Daniel, 28, son, farming

Louis, 20, son, farming 

Peter, 18, son, farming

Chippewa, Andrew, 32, laborer

Mary A., 25, wife, keeping house

William, 7, step-son

Francis, 3, son

Matilda, 1, daughter

Chippewa, Joseph Jr., 37, farmer

Madeline, 30, wife, keeping house

John, 13, son

Angeline, 9, daughter

Philip, 7, son

Bird, Michael, 28, farmer

Theresa, 20, wife, keeping house

Louis, 2, son

Chippewa, Margaret, 31, mother-in-law

Angeline, 14, sister-in-law

Brother Andrew, 25, born Old Mission, farmer was married 7 Jan 1874 in Eagletown to Mary Ann Newhouse, 20, born Port ___, Wisconsin. Ceremony was performed by Philip S. Zorn, Catholic Priest. Witnesses were Francis Blackman and Mary Ann Antz. [Ance]

1880 farm schedule

Joseph - 40 acres improved, 200 acres wooded, value of land $1,500; value of implements/machinery $75; value of livestock $300; value of farm products $335; 5 acres mown, 3 tons hay; 3 horses, 2 oxen; 2 cows, 1 other cattle; 150 lbs cheese produced; 3 acres/60 bushels corn; 3 shared acres/30 bushels oats; 3 acres/50 bushels wheat; 3 acres/300 bushels potatoes, 1,000 lbs maple sugar/

Joseph Jr. - 20 acres improved, 20 acres wooded, value of land $400; value of implements/machinery $50, valued of livestock $100; value of farm products $165; 2 acres mown, 1 ton hay; 2 oxen; 2 acres/20 bushels corn; 3 shared acres/30 bushels oats; 2 acres/20 bushels wheat 

1881 Map - red dot in section 4, T30N, R11W

In 1881 smallpox came to Leelanau county

Brother Louis died 21 Nov 1881 of smallpox. He was single, aged 22 years, 7 months, son of Joseph Chippeway and Mary Ann. 

Father Joseph died two days later on 23 Nov 1881, also of smallpox. He was widowed, aged 66 years, 6 months, 14 days, also listed as son of Joseph Chippeway and Mary Ann. [I believe this to be an error, as he was not his own son.]

Son Louis was born 16 Apr 1883, baptized 4 Jun 1883 in the Catholic Church at Eagletown.

Daniel, 31, son of Joseph Otchipwe and Maria Mosokwe was married on 13 Sep 1884  in Eagletown Catholic Church to Christina Kiwedinskwe, 28, daughter of Joseph Bebami and Maria Gwakwemakwe. 

Wife Kristina had been baptized 7 Dec 1856, born 18 Nov 1856, daughter of Joannes Bebamise and Maria Kriskwamokwe, in Eagletown Catholic Church.

Daughter Margaret was said to be born 30 May 1885, baptized 14 Jul 1885 at the Catholic Church at Peshawbestown.

Daughter Mary was born 20 Nov 1887.

Maria was baptized on 8 Dec 1887 at the Catholic Church in Peshawbestown.

Son Dominic was born 17 Sep 1889 and baptized on 27 Sep 1889 at the Catholic Church in Peshawbestown.

Son Daniel was born Sep 1892 [Gap in Church Baptism Records 1891 to 1 Feb 1895]

1894 Michigan State Census - Peshawbestown

Chippewa, Jos, 45

Madeline, 42, wife

Sophia, 28, daughter

John, 26, son

Angeline, 22, daughter

Philip, 19, son

Joseph, 16, son

Chippewa Daniel, 41

Christine, 37, wife, 6 children born, 6 children living

Louis, 11, son

Maggie, 9, daughter

Mary, 7, daughter

Dominic, 4, son

Dan, son, 2

Rosie, daughter, 4/12

Chippewa, Saml, 48

Angeline, 32, wife, 10 children born, 6 children living

Charley, 19, son

Lucy, 14, daughter

Maggie, 12, daughter

Charlotte, 8, daughter

Nancy, 5, daughter

Rosy, 2, daughter

Chippewa, Enos, 21

Lizzie, 19, wife, 1 child born, 1 child living

Gernald..., 2/12, daughter

Panek, Joseph, 36

Catherine, 35, wife, 7 children born, 5 children living

William, 14, son

Simon, 10, son

Angus, 2, son

Chippewa, Margaret, mother, 54, 6 children born, 3 children living

In 1894 Daniel sent two of his children to school at the Mount Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School. Maggie, age 12, and Lewis, age 11, arrived at the school on 16 Oct 1894.

Daughter Rose Louisa was said to be born 16 Mar 1895 [but she was age 4 months on the June 1894 census] [Gap in Church baptisms 1891 to 1 Feb 1895]

1895 Mount Pleasant School - Lewis, age 12, arrived 1 Jul 1895; Maggie, age 10, arrived 9 Sep 1895.

1896 Mount Pleasant School - Lewis and Maggie arrived 1 Jul 1896

1898 Mount Pleasant School - Mary, age 12, and Dominick, age 10, arrived 23 Aug 1898

Brother Joseph Jr. died 7 Nov 1898 in Peshawbestown. Cause was consumption, age given as 55.

1899 Mount Pleasant School - Mary, age 13, and Dominick, age 11, arrived 1 Jul 1899.

1900 Federal Census - Suttons Bay township, Leelanau, Michigan

Chippeway, Daniel, born Feb 1853, 44, married 18 years, farmer

Christine, born Dec 1859, 40, 6 children born, 6 children living

Louis, son, born Apr 1883, 17, farm laborer

Margaret, daughter, born May 1885, 15

Mary, daughter, born Sep 1887, 12, at school

Dominic, son, born Oct 1890, 9, at school

Daniel, son, born Sep 1892, 7, at school

Louisa, daughter, born Oct 1894, 5 [This is Rose]

Daughter Margaret (Maggie) died 6 Feb 1902 in Peshawbestown of consumption. Her age was given as 16 years, 8 months, 13 days, birth as 23 May 1885.

Son Louis, 21, farmer, son of Daniel Chippeway and Christine Babawa, was married 2 Jun 1902 in Peshawbestown to Maggie Paro, 18, daughter of Mitchel Paro and unknown. Ceremony performed by Bruno Torka, priest; witnesses John Ance and Mary Chippeway.

Brother Peter died 11 Apr 1904 in Suttons Bay. Cause was bled to death, age given as 46.

Durant Roll Field Notes - 1908

#18 page 41 Joseph Ke-che-o-jib-way or Joseph Chippeway, dead; wife not named, dead


1) Joseph Chippeway, dead; wife Mary Ann, Charlevoix, no children

2) Louis Chippewa, see 10-41; children are dead

3) Samuel Chippeway, Suttons; wife Angeline, see 14-38

    1. Angeline Ance, see 8-42

    2. Enos Chippeway, see 45-43

    3. Lucy Chippeway Pontiac, see 5-41

    4. Jennie Chippeway, 20, Mt. Pleasant School

    5. Lucile, 17

    6. Martin, 4

4) Joseph Chippeway #2, dead; wife not named, dead

    1. Angeline Chippeway, 35, Pashabatown; her child John Anse, 7, illegit.

    2. Sophia Bird, 44, Pashabatown; husband Antoine Bird, 47

    3. Elizabeth Pedwadum, 38, Pashabatown, no children; husband Joe Pedwadum, 33, see 13-41

    4. Philip Chippewa, 34, Pashabatown, see 15-42; wife Katie Chippewa (Paychaba), 34, no children, separated, 

5) Moses Chippeway, dead, no wife or children.

6) Maggie (Chippeway) Agosa; husband not named, dead

    1. Marian Mary Ann (Agosa) Mixeme Mick-se-mong, 32, Cross Village, see 36-43, husband Casper Mick-se-mong, see 42-21, child William Miseme, 11

7) Andrew Chippeway, 60, Honor; wife Mary Ann, white, not entitled to enrollment

    1. William Chippeway, 37, Keystone, Mich Traverse City Route 7 Box 69; wife Chirstine Chippeway, nee Wabminike, 28; children John, 12; Isabelle, 8

    2. Frank Chippeway, 30, Honor; wife Nancy Chippeway, nee Bailey, 18, daughter of Henry Bailey, see 14-50

    3. Matilda Deverney, 27, Honor; husband Jacob Deverney, 32, see 4-59; children Dave, 10; Mary, 7; Delia, 3; 

    4. Annie Shiding, 24, Honor; husband John Shiding, 31, "of Traverse band look up at Suttons Bay grandfather's name Kaw-kaw-she"; children: Fred, 7; Matilda, 5; Alice, 3; Lawrence, 2.

    5. Caroline Weese, 23, Honor; husband Frank Weese, white; children Francis or Frayman, 5; Clara, 3

    6. Clara Pero or Pereault, 22, Traverse City; husband Louis Pero or Pereault, white; children Josephine, 5; Ethel, 3; Wilford born Sep 1907

    7. John Chippeway, 21, Honor, wife Isabelle Daniels, 19, see 2-39 "an Ottawa of Traverse Band, indian name Peter James."

    8. Albert, 18, Honor

    9. Eddie, 16, Honor

    10. Henry, 14, Honor

    11. Bennett, 12, Honor

8) Daniel Chippeway, 57, Suttons Bay, wife Christina Chippeway, see 21-46

    1. Louis, 25, Genoa, Nebr.; wife Maggie (Paro) Chippewa, 23, Suttons Bay, see 8-42, enroll by herself with dead child, separated from husband; child Edwin, 2, died Sept 20/08

    2. Mary, 20

    3. Dominick, 19

    4. Daniel Jr, 17

    5. Rosie, 14

9) Mary (Chippeway) Shanabinasse, 55, Suttons Bay; husband Isaac Shanabinasse or Isaac Southbird, see 44-43

#10 page 41

Naw-o-quay-ge-zhe-gonse or Louis Chippeway, dead; wife dead;


1) Thresa, dead, no children, no heirs

2) Angeline Chippeway, now wife of John Anawaskey, see 19-44

3) dead, no heirs

#50 page 43 Ke-way-te-no-quay, dead. Two children enrolled under this head. One the wife of Dan Chippeway, Christine, see 18-41 and 21-46; the other Agnes Peter, wife of George Pete a Grand River Indian, see 19-54

#21 page 46 Pay-paw-me-say; wife not named, dead

1) Margaret, 55, husband Rodney Negake, Grand River Band, see 11-52

2) Christina, 50, Suttons Bay/Omena see 18-41; husband Dan Chippewa, an Ottawa

3) Catharine; husband Geo Heneman, Fern, Mich, see 8/2/56 Grand River Band; son Wm, 25, Petoskey

4) Agnes Pete, Grand River Band, see 19-54

5) Angeline Wabbinimkee, 39, Beaver Isalnd, see 2-41

1910 Federal Census - Suttons Bay township, Leelanau, Michigan

Chippeway, Daniel, 58, married once, married 28 years, farmer on own farm

Christine, wife, 50, married once, married 28 years, 6 children born, 5 children living

Louis, son, 26, married once, married 7 years, laborer at odd jobs

Dominic, son, 20, laborer at log camp

Mary, daughter, 22, servant at private family

Daniel, son, 18, farm laborer at home farm

Rosie, daughter, 16

Son Dominic, 21, farmer, son of Daniel Chippewa and Christine Bebahme, married Mary Shumin, 17, daughter of Louis Shuymin and Rosa Blunt, 18 Jul 1910 in Peshawbestown. Ceremony performed by Rev. Donolus Evers, Catholic Priest, witnesses Peter Smith and Jennie Chippewa.

Son Dan, 23, farmer, son of Dan Chippeway and Christine Po-wu-benone, married on 10 Sep 1917 in Peshawbestown to Eliza Raphael, 17, daughter of Mike Raphael and Louise Anawiski. Ceremony was performed by Rev. Dorotheus Philipp, Pastor of St. Joseph Church. Witnesses were Mary Chippeway and Dominic Chippeway.

1920 Federal Census

1930 Federal Census

Daniel died 28 Jan 1835 in Suttons Bay.

Copyright (c) 2022 Vicki Wilson