Sunday, April 15, 2018

Louis Mitchell Wabigekek

Louis was born 19 Aug 1860 in Goodhart [according to his death certificate] or 1863/64 in Middle Village [from his marriage record], the son of Mitchell Wabigekek and Susan Madeske.

He married Maria/Mariah Johns on 16 Jul 1888 in Hayes township, Charlevoix, Michigan. The record states Maria was 18, born in Suttons Bay, the daughter of Louis Johns and Elizabeth Negonigesick.

Their first known child is Emma, born 6 Jun 1888, the second is son William, born a year later.  Daughter Agnes is born in 1896. It is possible that two more children were born and died between 1890 and 1900.

The 1900 Federal Census for Bay township, Charlevoix county shows Louis Mitchel, age 38, born Aug 1861, married 12 years, farmer; wife Mary is 30, born Jun 1870, has given birth to 5 children, 3 children living, daughter Agnes, is 2, born Sep 1897.

While Louis is using Mitchell as his last name, William and Emma are not. 1900 Federal Census for Mt. Pleasant School lists William Wabagake, age 9, born Jun 1890, line 84 and Emma Wabagakaki, age 10, born Jul 1889, line 98.

Mount Pleasant school records show that in addition to Emma and William, Agnes and Sam also attended.

Agnes to school 29 Aug 1905 for 3 years, daughter of Lewis/Louis, age 7 & 8, from Brickersville.
Emma to school 17 Sep 1903 for 3 years, daughter of Louis, age 15, 16, & 17, from Brickersville.
Willie/William to school 17 Sep 1903, for 5 years, son of Louis, age 13, 14, & 15, from Brickersville.

Brickersville, Antrim county. "A rural post office in the Bricker and Company general store, with Samuel Bricker becoming its first postmaster on April 20, 1902, the office operating until February 28, 1905. [From Michigan Place Names by Walter Romig].

Son Amos died 15 Sep 1907 in Hayes township, Charlevoix county. While his age is given as 7, he was not born prior to the 1900 census which was taken the 5th of June.

Page 28, number 9 of the Durant Roll lists Louis Mitchell or Wah be gay kake, 46, resides Bay Shore; wife dead; children: Emma, 20, resides Bay Shore; William, 18, resides Bay Shore; Agnes, 12, died Sep 1908; Amos, 10, died Sep 1908 and Joe, 2, died Apr 1908.

Louis has three brothers, Daniel, Isaac and James, and one sister, Mary (wife of Benedict Ettawegezhick).

Death records have yet to be found for Mary (who died between Joe's birth and the taking of the Durant roll), Agnes and Joe.

On 6 Apr 1909 in Charlevoix, Emma married William Gilbert.

The 1910 Federal Census record for the family has not been found.

Son William married Elizabeth Chingwa 21 Jul 1919 in Hayes township, Charlevoix county.

In the 1920 Federal Census Louis is living in Hayes township, Charlevoix county. The household consists of Azahgo, John, head, rents, age 68, widowed, wood cutter in the woods; Mitchel, Louis, partner, age 58, widowed, wood cutter in the woods; Waupasy, Mary, housekeeper, age 42, married, no occupation; Waupasy, Elizabeth, boarder, age 10.

Emma's daughters, Beulah Gilbert, age 10, and Marian Gilbert, age 7, are living in the household of John Willis and family, listed as John's cousins. [It is unknown where Emma and her daughter Mary are living.]

Son William, age 29, is a laborer at wood cutter, his wife, Elizabeth, is 24. They are living in Resort township, Emmet county.

Baby William, son of Louis' son William died 7 Mar 1921 at 5 months, 25 days of age, in Petoskey. He is buried in Greenwood cemetery, section H, block 35, lot 3, with members of the Chingwa family.

The Petoskey City Directory of 1921 has Emma and second husband Paul B. Shomin living at 535 Lawrence. Paul is a laborer.

Daughter Emma's child, Mary Gilbert, died 3 Mar 1921 at 6 years old and is buried at Bay Shore.

Sadly Paul Bennet Shomin died 27 Jun 1928, leaving a wife, three children and two stepdaughters. He is buried at Greensky cemetery.

Emma's daughter Beulah was married 23 Jul 1928 at the Catholic Church in Peshawbestown, Leelanau county to Enos R. Kingbird.

Emma's daughter Marion died 15 Feb 1929 at 17 years, 16 days of age, at the James Decker Munson hospital in Traverse City. She is buried in Suttons Bay township cemetery.

The 1930 census finds the family in Acme township, Grand Traverse county. Head of household is George Ance. He pays $3 per month rent, is 30 years old, was first married at 28 and works as a farm laborer on a general farm. Wife Emma is 35, and her first marriage was at age 16. Step-daughter Beulah Gilbert is 19, first married at 17, works as a cook at a hotel. Step-daughter Diana Shomin is 10, step-daughter Shirley Shomin is 8 and step-son Paul Shomin Jr. is 6. Father-in-law Lewis Mitchell is 68, widowed, first married at 30, works as a farm laborer on a farm.

This MIGHT be William and family in the 1930 Federal Census of Los Angeles, Los Angeles county, California. William is 40, married at 29, chauffeur for a private family; Elizabeth is 32, married at 21, maid for a private family; Henry, 8, is listed as son. All three were born in Michigan and are full-blood Chippewa.

Louis died 22 Sep 1934 in Yuba and is buried in the Yuba cemetery.



Emma's first husband - William A. Gilbert on running board with dog

Emma's second husband - Paul Bennet Shomin

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Moses Shananaquet

Moses Henry Shananaquet was born 9 Dec 1888 in Michigan, the son of Francis Shananaquet and Mary A. Manatins. [Date from both draft records].

The Cheboygan Democrat of 31 Jan 1908 lists the names of those to be married.

On 27 Jan 1908 Moses was married to Mary Ann Keway at the Catholic Church in Middle Village, Emmet county. Mary Ann was born 21 Feb 1886 in Harbor Springs, the daughter of Simon Keway and Harriet Kosequat.

The 1908 Durant Roll field notes #43 page 32 list the head of family as Francis Shaw-waw-non-quot, age 60, Burt Lake, wife dead. The couple has three children: Rosie Bwanishing, 41, Cross Village, see 4-20; Mary Kagigebitang, 33, see 98-22; and Moses Shaw-waw-non-quot, 21, Aloha, wife Mary Ann, 22, see 27-32, no children.

Moses and Mary Ann's first child, Steven, was born 24 Mar 1909 in Emmet county.

The 1910 Federal Census has the family living in Burt Township, Cheboygan county.
Moses, 21, married 2 years, a wood sawyer in the lumber woods; Marion, 22, one child born, one child living, a basket maker at home; Stephen, son, 1 1/12; Frank, father, 63, widowed, wood chopper at home. They are full Ottawa.

Daughter Margaret was born 1 Jun 1912. [From death certificate].

Daughter Elizabeth was born in 1915. [From census, born May 1913 from death certificate.]

Daughter Anna was born 4 Aug 1916 and died 20 Nov 1916 in Friendship township, Emmet county. She is buried at Lakeview cemetery.

On 5 Jun 1917 Moses registered for the draft. He states he has a wife and four children to support.

Son Henry was born and died 27 Feb 1918 in West Traverse township, Emmet county.

Son Francis was born 9 Oct 1919 at Five Mile Creek, Emmet county. [From death certificate].

Moses' father Francis died 21 Nov 1919 in Cross Village.

By the 1920 Federal Census the family has moved to Friendship township, Emmet county. Moses is 33, a laborer at a lumber camp; Mary Ann is 35; children are: Stephen, 10; Margaret, 6; Elizabeth, 5; and Francis, 4 months.

Daughter Thelma/Louise was born 28 Aug 1922.

Son Henry was born 24 Sep 1924 in Emmet county.

Son Harry was born 26 Dec 1927, Five Mile Creek, Emmet county.

Daughter Margaret died 7 Jun 1928 in West Traverse, Emmet county. She is buried in Lakeview cemetery, section K, lot 18.

The month of February 1930 was very hard on the family. First daughter Elizabeth died on 3 Feb 1930 and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, section K, lot. 18. Then an unnamed son was born and died 16 Feb 1920 and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, section K, lot 18. 

Son Francis died 25 Feb 1930 in Friendship township, Emmet county and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, section K, lot 18.

The 1930 Federal Census has the family in Harbor Springs, Emmet county. Moses, 42, painting at boat painting; Mary B., 45; Louise, 6; Henry, 5, Harry, 2 3/12, and Steven, 21, laborer at odd jobs.

The 1938 Harbor Springs City Directory has Moses working at Melching Garage and Boat Works, living at 611 Second St.

The 1940 Federal Census has the family still at 611 Second Street. Moses is 51, laborer at boat works, Marion is 55; children are Steven, 31, laborer at boat works; Thelma, 17; Henry, 15 and Harry, 12.

The 1941 Harbor Springs has Henry J. living at 611 Second Street, and Moses H., (Mary B.), helper at Melching Garage and Boat Works, living at 611 Second Street.

Moses registered for the draft for WWII. He is working for the Works Project Administration.

Wife Marion (Mary Ann) died 22 Jun 1942 in Harbor Springs and was buried at Lakeview Cemetery, section K, lot 18.

Son Henry enlisted 20 Apr 1943.

Son Harry entered the army on 27 Mar 1946 and was discharged on 29 Apr 1947. He re-enlisted 9 Nov 1949 and was discharged on 24 Jun 1953.

Daughter Thelma died 25 Jan 1951 in Petoskey. She was buried at Lakeview Cemetery in section G, lot 26.

Son Henry was hired by the Chicago and Northwest Railroad in Chicago on 15 Dec 1958.

Moses died 9 Dec 1970 in Harbor Springs, Emmet county. The following was printed in Petoskey News Review, 11 Dec 1970. 

Harry died 4 Dec 1982 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county.

Steven died 21 Dec 1986 and is buried in Lakeview cemetery, section G, lot 26