Mitchell Assineway (also called Michael in some records) was said to be born on 23 May 1855 (10 Jun 1855 on his death record), the son of Simon Aw-se-ne-way and Sophia Agwemigisik.
Simon and family were members of the L'Arbre Croche band, led by Chief Nay-o-ge-maw. The population of the band in 1855 was 185 persons.
(Picture of Middle Village c1915)Mitchell's father, Simon, had chosen the W1/2 of the NW 1/4 of section 33, township 37, range 6, consisting of 80 acres as his 1855 treaty land allotment. He received the patent in 1872.
1858 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Aw se ne way, #21, one man, one woman, three children, received $21.05
1859 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Aw se ne way, #22, one man, one woman, four children, received $29.82
1860 Federal Census - La Croix, Emmet, Michigan
Simon Assin ne way, 33, farmer, real estate value $305, personal estate value $228
Sophia, 20
Mary, 7
Rachael, 5 [This is Mitchell/Michael]
Susan, 3
Antoine, 1
1860 Federal Census - farm schedule
Simon Assin ne way, land - 27 acres improved, 96 acres unimproved, land valued at $255, tools and machinery valued at $8; 1 horse, 5 swine, livestock valued at $44; grew 30 bushels corn, 12 bushels oats.
1861 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Aw se ne way, #24, one man, one woman, four children, received #27.72
1865 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Simon Aw se ne way #11, one man, one woman, four children, received $24
1866 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Simon Aw se ne way, #10, one man, one woman, four children, received $22.44
1867 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Simon Aw se ne way #8, on man, one woman, five children, received $24.99
1868 Annuity Roll - Chief Nay o ge maw
Grandfather John Baptiste Asinawe, age 76, married, died 6 Jul 1869. His parents are given as Ekwa-o-te (father) and Tchi-ga-ti-no-qua (mother).
1870 Annuity roll - Chief Naw-o-ge-maw's band (transcription only)
#8 Simon Aw-se-ne-way, one man, one woman, five children, received $107.10
1870 Federal Census - La Croix township, Emmet, Michigan
Simon Asinawe, 45, farmer, $550 real estate, $250 personal estate
Sophia, 32, keeping house
Michael, 16, farm laborer [This is Mitchell]
Antoino, 10
Lucy, 5
Anna, 3
Agnes, 1
also with the family are Andrew Manishtawok, 22, farmer, $100 real estate, and his wife, Mary, 18. [Mitchell's sister?]
On Jun 1876 in Cross Village, Michael Assinnowe, age 21, born Middle Village, day laborer, maried Anastasiai Giogama, 16. Ceremony was performed by John B. Weikamp, Catholic Priest.
Daughter Rose was born 15 Jul 1877 in Readmond.
Son Jasper (under the name Gervasius) was born 13 Apr 1879 in Cross Village.
In 1879 Mitchell paid taxes on two pieces of land.
The S1/2 of NW1/4 of section 21 T37N R6W, 80 acres, valued at $190. State tax 24 cents, county tax $1.71, township tax $1.14, highway tax $1.50, school tax $3.04, poor tax 38 cents, total $8.01
The W1/2 of the SW1/4 of section 21, T37N R6W, 80 acres, valued at $160. State tax 21 cents, county tax $1.44, township tax 96 cents, highway tax $1.00, school tax $2.56, poor tax 32 cents, total $6.47
Mitchell's owned land in section 21; his father Simon in section 33; his grandfather John B. in section 25. Plat map from 1902 for reference to location only.
1880 Federal Census - Readmond, Emmet, Michigan
Mitchell Assinniway, 24, farmer
Nastasea, 21, wife, keeping house
Rose, 3, daughter
Anepas, 1, daughter [This is Jasper]
Daughter Madaline was born 30 Jul 1881 at Cross Village.
Son Joseph was born 11 Apr 1888 in Readmond township.
Son Simon was born 1 May 1890 in Readmon
Son Julius was born 30 Jun 1892 in Middle Village.
Daughter Julia died 12 Sep 1892 at the age of two months.
I believe that Julius and Julia were the same person.
Son Thomas was born 2 Jun 1893 in Readmond. [Thomas later used the birth date of 28 Apr 1894.]
Son Benjamin was born 1 Jul 1894
1900 Federal Census Readmond, Emmet, Michigan
Asinniwy, Eugene, born Jun 1853, 46, married 24 years, fishing
Natosyaie, wife, born May 1860, 40, married 24 years, 14 children born, 7 children living
Simon, son, born Apr 1890, 10, at school
Thomas, son, born May 1893, 7
Joseph, son, born Dec 1897, 2
Samuel, son, born Jan 1900, 4/12
[Son Stephen who would be age 5 was not listed with the family. Census taker error?]
Next door is Asinwey, Sophie, head, born Oct 1834, 65, widow
1908 Durant Roll Field Notes page 28 line 8
Simon Aw-se-ne-way, dead
wife Sophia Assinaway, age 78, Goodheart
child 1 - Mitchell, 54, Goodheart
wife Anatasia, 48, see 13-32
Rosie, 30, Goodheart, no children, husband Joe Donatus, 35, see 25-20
Jasper, 27, Goodheart, wife Therese, 23, see 45-42
Thomas, 16, Goodheart
Stephen, 14, Goodheart
Joe, 10, Goodheart
Louisa, 5
Peter, 3
child 2 - Annie, dead, husband name not given, children
Ellen Way-be-ga-kake, 23,
husband Charles Green
John Way-be-ga-kake, see 9-28
child 3 - Lucy, dead
husband Louis Bwanishing, age 52, see 7-28
1910 Federal Census - Readmond, Emmet, Michigan
Mitchel Assinaway,58, married once - for 33 years, fisherman on Great Lake
Anastia, 49, married once - for 33 years, 16 children born, 7 children living, basket maker
Thomas, son, 19
Joseph, son, 12
Louisa, daughter, 8
Peter, son, 5
Mother Sophia died 26 Jun 1910 from pneumonia. Her age was given as 80, parents as Peter Pagonish and Hattie Shubring.
Son Stephen died 19 Apr 1913. His age was given as 18.
Son Jasper died 29 Jun 1913 at age 32. Cause of death was pneumonia.
Son Joseph registered for the draft on 2 Sep 1918. He gave his birth as 1 Nov 1899, occupation as farming for his father. Joseph was described as tall, medium build, black hair and eyes, "one hand with only two fingers, web fingers."
Son Thomas was married on 28 Jul 1919 to Mary Francis, daughter of Joseph and Sarah. Ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Philip, pastor of Good Hart Catholic Church. Witnesses were Daniel Kenosha and Cecelia Warren.
1920 Federal Census - Readmond, Emmet, Michigan
Assinawa, Mitchell, 67, farmer at general farm
Anastasa, wife, 60
Joseph, son, 20, laborer at lumber camp
Louise, daughter, 15
Peter, son, 14
Next door is son Thomas, head, 24, laborer at Lumber camp, and his wife, Mary, 19.
Daughter Rose died 6 Dec 1925 at the age of 48. Cause of death was heart trouble. She was married to Joe Donatus.
Wife Anastasia did 10 Jan 1926 at the age of 68.
Mitchell died 2 Jun 1927. There is no death date given and while the doctor says he last saw Mitchell alive on 16 Apr 1927, burial wasn't until 6 Jun 1927. Plus adding 71 years, 11 months, 23 days to the given birth date of 10 Jun 1855 gives 2 Jun 1927.
Copyright (c) 2021 Vicki Wilson