Antoine Pequongay is first found on the 1855 Annuity Roll as Antoine Paw quaw gay. He is #38, a member of the Carp River Band, receiving $58.24 for his family of one male, one female, five children.
He is next recorded on the 1860 Federal Census of Leelanau Township, Leelanau County, Michigan, dwelling 192, family 192. He is age 40, listed as a farmer with a real estate value of $250 and personal value of $150. Wife is Shahwanoqua, age 39. Sons are Shagonmahquots, 16, Shedonequet, 13 and Ahbedoosegoqua, 8. Daughters are Mahdwaahgewong, 4 and Quisis, 1.
The 1861 Annuity Roll #21 Paw quon gay, one male, one female, 4 children, receiving $27.72
under Chief Waw say quoum's band.
On 14 Feb 1865 Aaron (Sahgahnahquato) enlisted in Company K, First Michigan Sharpshooters in Grand Rapids, for 1 year. He is listed as 21. He was mustered in the same day. Discharged at Detroit on 11 Aug 1865. Information for Aaron and his wife and children can be found here.
The 1868 Annuity Roll lists Paw Gwon-gay as #11, receiving $79.25 for one male, one female and three children. Son Aaron is listed separately as a single male, #34, receiving $15.85.
The 1870 Annuity Roll page 38 lists Paw-guon-gay, #11, receiving $61.20 for one male, one female, and two children. Son Saw-gaw-naw-quaw-do [Aaron], #32, receives $30.60 for one male and one female. Son She-daw-naw-quot [Peter], #35, also receives $30.60 for one male and one female.
From the 1870 federal census Antoine is still in Leelanau Township, dwelling 81, family 79. He is 60 (aged 20 years in a 10 year time span), a farmer, real estate valued at $550, personal value $165. Wife Elizabeth is 52 (aged 13 years), daughters are Sophia, 20 (possibly Ahbedoosegoqua) and Nancy, 16 (probably Mahdwaahgewong).
Son Peter, 22, laborer with $150 personal value and his wife Chekwahwohkah, 20, live next door at dwelling 82, family 80.
The agricultural page for 1870, Leelanau township, line 13, shows Antoine Pah kaw ka as having 50 acres improved and 50 acres woodland. Value of farm is $500 and he grew 40 bushel of Indian Corn in the previous year.
In 1880 the Federal Census of Leelanau townships says Antoine is 68 and a fisherman, wife Eliza is 65 and granddaughter Mary A. is 10.
Durant Roll Field Notes for line 11, page 38 list Paw-quan-gay as dead, wife dead.
Child 1 - Aaron Paw-quaw-gar or Aaron Sargonquato see #32 page 38;
Child 2 dead, see #35 page 38. His children are Mary Coon, see #5 page 23 and Jane, age 34, resides Bay Shore, separated from husband Solomon Tabasah of Charlevoix see #6 page 23.
No other children are listed for Antoine and his wife.
Durant Roll for #35 page 38 lists She-daw-naw-quot as dead, wife dead, children are Geo Coons wife Mary, see #5 page 23 and Jane Tabasash, see #11 page 38.