Sunday, May 12, 2019

Kelsey Isaac 1845-1930

Kelsey Isaac is said to have been born 15 Mar 1845 in Allegan county, Michigan. He was one of four known children born to Shaw-waw-ne-ke-zhick.

1839 Annuity - Ottowa Colony Band (this is in Barry county), chief Naw way qua gezhick
#3 Shaw won a gezhick - 1 man, 1 woman, received $14.66

The Reverend James Selkrig's Griswold Episcopal Mission to the Ottawas at Bradley in Allegan County established in 1839. Photo from "Annual Reports from the Mackinac Indian Agency 1833-1888 by Larry Wykoff.

1850 Federal Census - Wayland, Allegan, Michigan
Family consists of Shaw-wun-eke-zick, 30, male, farmer, real estate valued at $75
She bug mun, 40, female
Mas ta, 15, male
Kel sie, 2 male

1853 Annuity Roll - Griswold Colony Band. Chief is Pe nay se. Shaw waw nay gezhick - 1 man 1 woman 2 children received $5.48 #17

1855 Land allotment - Shaw be quo ung's band

"This was a band that was primarily Potawatomi Indians. The chief of this band in 1836 was Sag ge maw whose village was located on Prairie Ronde in Kalamazoo County. His band was not a party to the 1836 treaty. This band's winter hunting area was near Gun Lake in Barry County and he moved to the area around 1837 and established a village at Hastings Point in 1839, this band, called the 'Gun Lake Band', started drawing annuity payments under the 1836 treaty."

"In 1839 the Protestant Episcopal Church of Michigan was looking to establish and Indian Mission the area and approached Sag ge maw to see if he was interested. He agreed to join the mission in 1840 and lands were purchased for their use in Wayland Township, Alleagan County. After the establishment of this mission, the band was called the Griswold Mission Band. In 1842, the population of this band was 101 individuals. By 1853 Pe nay se was list as chief on the payment rolls and in 1854, Shaw be quo ung was chief and continued as chief into the 1870s."

"In 1855 the population of this band was 139. This band moved to the Oceana and Mason county reservation and took their allotments primarily in Crystal Township, although a few members took allotments in Elbridge and Custer townships."

Source: The Ottawa and Chippewa...Allotment... Treaty of July 31 1855 transcribed by Larry Wykoff

1857 Annuity Roll Grand River Ottawa - taken 29 Oct 1857
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 3 children, received $15.80, #15 Shaw be quo ung's band.

1858 Annuity Roll Ottawa and Chippewa
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 4 children, received $25.26, #22 Shaw be quo ung's band. Total population on band was 90 people.

1859 Annuity Roll Grand River Ottawa - taken 29 Oct 1859
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 4 children, received $8.22, #17 Shaw be quo ung's band.

The 1860 Federal Census has not been found yet.

1861 Annuity Roll - Grand River Ottawas received two payments under different treaties
Shaw waw ne ke zhick  1 man / 1 woman / 5 children #16/15 received  $32.34 and $23.87 Shaw be quo ung's band.

1864 Annuity Roll Grand River Ottawa - taken 21 Dec 1864
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 4 children, received $20.52, #3 Shaw be quo ung's band.

1865 Annuity Roll Grand River Ottawa - taken 30 Dec 1865
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 4 children, received $24.00, #3 Shaw be quo ung's band. Total population of band was 98 people.

1868 Annuity Roll Ottawa and Chippewa - taken 21 Dec 1868
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 4 children, received $95.10, #3 Shaw be quo ung's band.

1870 Annuity Roll
Shaw waw ne ke zhick 1 man / 1 woman / 4 children, received $91.80, #4  Shaw be quo ung's band.

1870 Federal Census - Crystal, Oceana county.
Shaw ne gesick, 45, farmer; Martha, 50, keeping house; Kelsey, 19, farmer; Thomas, 15; Aury (female), 10; John, 9.

Shaw waw ne ke zhick has three land patents, all dated 22 Oct 1870. He received
the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of section 26, T15N R16W - 80 acres; the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of section 27, T15N R16W - 80 acres, and the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of section 33, T16N R16W - 80 acres.

Kelsey was married on 11 Dec 1870 in Crystal, Oceana, Michigan to Betsie Thomas. He was 21 and she was 19.

It is unknown what became of  Betsie. Kelsey was married on 11 Feb 1875 in Wayland, Allegan county to Elizabeth.

Daughter Edith was born 5 Mar 1876, most likely in Allegan county since Kelsey and Elizabeth are there in 1875 and 1880.

1880 Federal Census - Indian Colony, Wayland, Allegan, Michign
Isaacs, Shawnegesock, 57; wife, 62, basket maker; Charlie, 19, son

next family is Isaacs, Kelsey, 31, farmer; Elizabeth, wife, 20, basket maker; Ada J. [Edith],4, daughter; Shay, Nancy, 22, boarder, housework

From Summary under the Criteria and Evidence for Proposed Finding Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan. (Full copy here).

1883 Purchasers of former Griswold Colony Land, Allegan county, Michigan - sections 20 and 28 -
#19 - Kellsy Isaac, 20 acres

Footnote #133 from Summary under the Criteria and Evidence for Proposed Finding Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan. (Full copy here).

"In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many of the Indians still moved with the seasons, as they had traditionally done in the early 19th century. In 1897, the social notes from 'East Athens and Indian Town' of Calhoun County indicated, "Kelsey Isaac came back from the north last Sunday morning and is going to cut wood for Henry Mallow this winter" (Athens Times, November 27, 1897); in 1900, it stated that, "Kelsey Isaac, who has been in Bradley from some time, is again living in East Athens" (Athens Times April 28, 1900).

Daughter Rose was born 14 Jul 1890, mostly like in Calhoun county. [Record not found].

From "Phineas Pam-to-pee and 1,371 other Pottawatomie Indians of Michigan and Indiana v The United States" filed Nov. 5, 1890 - Residing in Bass River, Ottawa county - Kelsey Isaac; his wife, Elizabeth; their children Hattie, Jane and Pame-sai-quote.

Son Charles was born 28 Dec 1892 in Athens, Calhoun, Michigan.

Daughter Edith went to school at Mt Pleasant Indian Industrial School c1894. She is from Athens, Calhoun county, 'Pottowatomie', daughter of Kelsey Isaac, parents are living, full blood, age 18, arrived at school February 19.  Source

Daughter Edith was married on 11 Jun 1894 in Isabella township, Isabella county to Daniel Bennett, son of Lyman Bennett and Dolly Bashaw. Her age is given as 19.

1900 Federal Census - Wayland, Allegan, Michigan

Isaac, Kelsey, born Mar 1851, 49, married 26 years, farmer, owns farm, 1/8 white, native name given as Kelsey Isaac.
Elizabeth, wife, born Mar 1860, 40, married 26 years, 3 children born, 3 living, native name Kakdoo
Rosa, daughter, born Jul 1888, 11, native name Piansaquot
Charles, son, born Jan 1892, 7, native name Macktayshay

Daughter Rose went to school at Mt Pleasant Indian Industrial School in 1901. She is from Bradley, Allegan county, Potawatomie, daughter of Kalsie Isaac, 1/2 blood, age 12, 13, 14, arrived at school 1 Sep 1901 for 3 years, withdrawn 30 Jun 1903. Source

Daughter Rosie was married on 22 Oct 1906 in Isabella to Charles Ashquab,son of Moses Ashquab and Susan Chatfield.

Durant Roll #4 page 53 Shaw-waw-ne-ke-zhick, dead

Child 1 - Kelsey Isaac, 60 resides Mt. Pleasant RFD #6
  wife, Elizabeth, 60, see 2/51
  their children are
1)  Edith, 32, resides Mt. Pleasant; husband Daniel Bennett, member of Saginaw Chip., Grace, 14; Joseph, 7; Bessie, 4; Lyman, 2.
2) Rosie Aishquab, 21, resides Mt. Pleasant Rt. 6; husband Chas., 24, see 5/64; Harry, born 25 Dec 1907
3) Chas., 16, resides Mt. Pleasant #6

Child 2 - Mary Paul, 45, resides Athens
  husband John Paul, dead
  their children
1) John 28
2) Minnie, 16
4) Howard, 12
3) Dennis 14
7) Maggie, 4
5) Adam, 11
6) Lizzie, 8

Child 3 - dead, no heirs

Although the 1870 annuity roll showed four children, a fourth is not listed on the Durant Roll.

1910 Federal Census - Broomfield, Isabella county
Isaac, Kelsey, 60, married twice, married 32 years, speaks Ottawa and English, occupation odd jobs, working out, rents farm.
Elizabeth, wife, 50, married one, married 32 years, 3 children born, 3 living, speaks Ottawa
Charles, son, 16, speaks Ottawa and English.

Methodist Indian Minstries in Michigan 1830-1990 by Dorothy Reuter tells of Kelsey filling the pulpit at Bradley Indian Mission in 1914-1916, while The Indian's Friend of March 1916 speaks of Kelsey being in charge of an entire circuit.

Draft registration 5 Jun 1917 Broomfield township, Isabella county. Charlie gives his age as 23, birth as 1 Jan 1894 in Athens. He is tall, slender, with brown eyes and black hair. Occupation is farming and he supports his parents.

Charlie enlisted 24 Aug 1918 at Camp Custer. Sadly Charlie died 5 Oct 1918 at Camp Custer.

Isabella County Enterprise 11 Oct 1918

Lansing State Journal 5 Oct 1918

Isabella County Enterprise 15 Nov 1918

Elizabeth died 20 Nov 1919 in Broomfield township, Isabella county of bronchial pneumonia. Her age is given as 61 years, 8 months, 0 days (20 Mar 1868). Her parents are given as William Alexander and ____ Pinsaoquot. Informant was Kelsey.

1920 Federal Census - Nottowa township, Isabella county
Asquab, Charley, head, 37, farmer - laborer on farm
Rose, wife, 27
Harry, son, 12, attended school
Tomas, son, 10, attended school
Isaac, son, 6
Isaac, Kelsey, father-in-law, 72, widowed

Isabella County Enterprise, 2 Jul 1920, tells of Kelsey purchasing lot 5 in block 1 of Fordyce's addition to the city for $200.

On 16 Aug 1921 in Charlevoix county Kelsey Isaac, 72, resides Isabella county, born Allegan county, occupation Local Minister, son of John and not given, previous marriages two, took out a license to marry Maryan Naquam, 64, resides Charlevoix, born Chicago, Cook, Illinois, parents not given, previous marriages one. License only, no marriage information given.

1930 Federal Census - Mt. Pleasant, Isabelle County.

Isaac, Kelsey, head, rents for $10 per month, age 70, widowed, first married at 17, occupation - none.

Kelsey died 24 Oct 1930 in Mt. Pleasant. His birth is given as 15 Mar 1845 - 85 years, 7 months, 9 days, in Allegan. Kelsey was a farmer, widower of Elizabeth. Informant was Edith Bennett.

He is buried in Woodland Cemetery in Rosebush.

Mt. Pleasant Daily Times of 6 Dec 1930: