Monday, April 13, 2020

John Crampton

John Crampton was born around 1830-1836 in Michigan, based on his age in various records. While the names of his parents are unknown, on the 1910 Federal Census John states his father is white and his mother Ottawa.

John was not included in the 1836 Half-Breed census.  Possibly because he wasn't actually mixed, or he wasn't born yet, or he was living in an area that did not receive payment.

John is an adult by 1857 when he was listed in the Annuity roll under Paw baw me's band - #9, 1 man, no women, no children, receiving $3.16

John's first wife is referred to as Mary, no marriage record found. It is known that Mary was Potawatomi since her son Foster later received payments with the tribe.

The 1858 Annuity roll listed John Crampton, #17, 1 man, 1 woman, no children, received $8.42 under Chief Pay baw me.

Son Foster was said to be born about 1859 - no birth record has been found. Death record says he was born in Bradley.

The 1859 Annuity Roll listed John Crampton, #16, 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, received $4.11, under Chief Shaw be quo ung.

There are two John Crampton families found in the 1860 Federal Census. One is the 1860 Federal Census of Wayland, Allegan county taken 14 Jul 1860, lists John Crampton, age 26, occupation hunter, real estate valued at $100, personal estate valued at $50; Mary, age 22; David, age 1. [This could be Foster.]

The second is the 1860 Federal Census of the Indian Reserve, Oceana county, taken in June which lists, John Crampton, 40, farmer; Mary, 30; Auhgato, (male), 15; Betsy, 13; Martha N., 6; and Ortha L., 1 (female). [Unknown who this family is as this is the only record found for them.]

1861 Annuity Roll - Grand River Ottawas received two payments, under different treaties.
#14 John Crampton, 1 man, 1 woman, 2 children, received $13.64 and $18.48
under Chief Shaw be quo ung

Son James was said to be born in May 1862.

In June 1863, Wayland, Allegan county, John Crampton registered for the draft. His age was given as 37, race collord [sic] with Indian in the remarks.

Son Amos was said to be born in 1863 in Wayland, Allegan county (from death record.)

1864 Annuity Roll - John Crampton, 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, #4, received $17.10 under Chief Shaw be quo ung

1865 Annuity Roll - John Crampton, 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, #4, received $24.50 under Chief Shaw be quo ung

Daughter Van ne na was said to be born about 1865.

Son Amos died 25 Oct 1867 in Crystal, Oceana. His age was given as 4 years, born in Wayland, Allegan County, son of John and Lucy.

1868 Annuity Roll - John Crampton, 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, #6, received $79.25 under Chief Shaw be quo ung

Daughter Elizabeth was born 30 Nov 1868. Sadly she died 2 Dec 1869 in Crystal. Death records gave her age as 1 year 2 days, born in Crystal, Oceana county, daughter of J. Crampton and W. Cause of death was fits.

The John Crampton family from Allegan county has moved to Oceana county by 1870 and is the only one in the census.

1870 Federal Census of Crystal township, Oceana county lists John Crampton, 34, farmer, real estate valued at $500; Wah benequa, 30; Foster, 10; James, 8; and Van ne na (female), 5.

Wife Mary died sometime between the Federal Census taken 20 Aug 1870 and the Annuity Roll.

1870 Annuity Roll
John Crampton, #7, 1 man, no women, 4 children, received $61.20 under Chief Shaw-be-quo-ung
[From the Durant Roll we know this John is the subject of this post.]

On the 22 Oct 1870 John Crampton received the S1/2 of the SW1/4 of Section 17, T16N R16W, Crystal Township, Oceana County.

John, age 30,  was married 25 Apr 1871 in Indian Town, Oceana county to Cuto Sha Ka Do Tion, age 16. [ This is Sarah Bailey the daughter of Joseph Bailey and Ann-au-qua/Sesaqua /Say-sa-gah, who was the daughter of Chief  Cobmossa.]

Possible daughter Jane was said to be born 23 Aug 1871.

Daughter Mary [Van ne na?] died 7 Sep 1871 in Pine Plains, Allegan county. She was the daughter of Crampton and Mary, aged 6 years. Cause of death was whooping cough. [Perhaps she was living with relatives in Allegan county after the death of her mother and that is why she died there.]

Son Cobb/Karb/Karv was born 16 Mar 1873. Date from draft registration.

Son Frank was born 4 Jul 1874 in Elbridge, Oceana county.

1880 Federal Census of Crystal township, Oceana county lists John Crampton, 49, farmer; Sarah, 26, wife; Foster, 17, son; James, 16, son; Cob Moos 8, son; Frank 6, son; Mass Lena, 3, daughter.

[Note that John has aged 15 years in the 10 years between censuses, but Foster has only aged 7 years and James 8 years. Daughter Van ne na was no longer listed.]

1880 Farm Schedule
Line 9, John Crampton, 15 acres tilled, 4 acres permanent meadow/pature/orchard, 25 acres woodland, 2 acres other improved; value of farm $600; implements $25, live stock $150; paid $10 in wages in 1879; $133 value of production; 1 acre mown, 4 acres not mown, 1 acre hay; 2 working oxen, 6 swine, 8 barnyard poultry, 45 dozen eggs produced in 1879; corn - 4 acres, 100 bushels; wheat - 3 acres, 37 bushels; potatoes - 1 acre, 70 bushels; 100 cords of wood cut, $75 value of all forest products sold in 1879.

Daughter Anna was born 20 Oct 1881. [Date from her death certificate.]

Possible daughter, Jane Crampton died 17 Nov 1881 in Elbridge and is buried in Papahmee Cemetery. Her tombstone says she was 10y 2m 25 days old, which puts her birth as 23 Aug 1871.

Son James died 15 Jul 1882 as listed in the Oceana county death records. However place of death is given as Ludington which is in Mason county. His age is given as 20 years, 2 months, occupation given as river driver. Cause of death was killed by cars.

A river driver is a man who moved logs to the sawmill by floating the in a river. Killed by cars is a railroad accident.

Son Robert was born 1 May 1885 in Oceana county

Sadly son Robert died 3 Sep 1885 in Crystal Valley, Oceana county. His age was given as 3 months 15 days. Cause of death was dysentery, an infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhea.

Son Foster met Angeline Mawby, prior to the birth of their first daughter in 1887. Angeline was born 11 Dec 1867, daughter of Joseph Mawby and Susan.

Son Peter was born 6 Dec 1889

The 1900 Federal Census of Crystal township, Oceana county lists John, 69; Sarah, 42; Cob Mo Say, 25;  Frank, 23; Peter, 9.

On 31 Aug 1900 and again on 10 Jul 1901 son Foster's boys James (age 11/12) and Louis (age 7/8) were enrolled at the Indian Industrial Boarding School at Mt. Pleasant, Isabella county. Remarks show both boys were removed by their parents and not returned to school.

Son Frank died 16 Aug 1904. Cause of death was blood poisoning resulting from fracture.

The Potawatomi Roll taken by Indian Agent Samuel L. Taggart in 1904 included son Foster and his children. [Since none of Foster's half-siblings are included it would mean his mother was Potawatomi and not his father John.]
Foster Crampton, 45, #196, resides Custer
Lydia, daughter, #197
James, son, #198
Lewis, son, #199

Son Cobb married Theresa Amy/Emma Fox the daughter of Joe Fox and Ah-qua-she on 20 May 1905.

Cobb's son Robert was born in Sep 1905

Cobb's son Charles (later called Frank) was born in Jun 1908

Durant Roll Field Notes - 1908
line 7 page 53
John Crampton, age 76, P.O. Crystal Valley south of Fern

wife #1 Eliza, daughter of 3/53
1. Foster Crampton, age 49, P.O. Custer
wife Angeline Maw-by, age 40
1) Lydia, 22
2) James, 19
3) Louis, 17
4) Lizzie, 13
5) Tom, 7
6) Martha, 5

wife #2 Sarah Bailey, age 52, see Pe-To-Bick, 3/50
2. Cobb Crampton, age 35, P.O. Elbridge, Lattin
    wife Thresa Amy, age 26, nee Fox see 3/52
Robert, 3
Chas, 2, born 17 Jun 1908

3. Annie Webb, age 26, see 16/56

4. Wem-E-Gwon, age 17, P.O. Crystal, unmarried

On 20 Feb 1909 Cobb's wife, called Emma on the death certificate died of TB. Daughter of Joe Fox and Annie Ponshing, she had 3 children, 3 still living. She was buried in Papahmee Cemetery, Elbridge, Oceana, Michigan

On 24 Nov 1909 in Mecosta county, Karb Crampton, 31, son of John Crampton and Sarah Bailey married Lucy Shawwano, 24, daughter of Jas. Shawwano and Sarah Fisher.

1910 Federal Census - Crystal township, Oceana, Michigan

John Crampton, 75, married 2, married for 38 years, speaks English, farmer on general farm, father white, mother Ottawa
Sarah, wife, 56, married once, married for 38 years, 11 children born, 2 children living, speaks Indian, full Ottawa
Peter, son, 18, speaks English, farmer laborer on farm, 3/4 Ottawa
Robert, grandson, 4 [This is Cobb's son]

1910 Federal Census - Martiny, Mecosta, Michigan

Crampton, Karb, 32, born Michigan, speaks English, laborer at odd jobs, full Ottawa
Lucy, wife, 24, born Michigan, speaks English, full Chippewa

Karb Crampton, 32, married once, married one year, speaks English, labor at odd jobs, full Ottawa
Lucy, 24, married once, married one year, speaks English, full Chippewa

John died 31 Jan 1912 in Homestead, Benzie county. His age was given as 82.

Cobb's son Henry was born 5 Mar 1915 and died 19 days later on 24 Mar 1915. Cause of death is visitation of God.

Cobb's sons Robert, age 10 and Frank, age 8, attended Holy Childhood Boarding School in Harbor Springs, Emmet county for the quarter ending 31 Mar 1916.

Cobb's wife Lucy died 10 Apr 1916 in Orient Township, Osceola county.

Daughter Anna Webb died 16 Nov 1916. Her birth was given as 20 Oct 1881 in Oceana county, the daughter of John Crampton and Elizabeth. Cause of death was child birth.

Anna was buried at North Manitou Island Cemetery, Leelanau, Michigan

Cobb's sons Robert, age 8 and Frank, also listed as age 8, attended Holy Childhood for the quarter ending 30 Jun 1916. Robert alone, age now given as 11, attended for the quarters ending 30 Sep 1916, 31 Dec 1916, 31 Mar 1917 and 30 Jun 1917.

On 5 Jun 1917 in Antrim county, Peter registered for the draft. He gave his birth as 18 Dec 1893 in Pentwater. His occupation was woodsman for the Antrim Iron Company. He was described as medium height and weight with brown eyes and black hair. He was the sole support of his mother.

On 12 Sep 1918 in Osceola county, Cobb/Karv registered for the draft. He gave his birth as 16 Mar 1873, occupation as laborer for William Horner of Reed City. Nearest relative was an aunt, Katherine Mitchell, address unknown. He was described at short, slender, with dark brown eyes and black hair.

1920 Federal Census - Excelsier, Kalkaska, Michigan

Pete Crampton, 27, loading logs at lumber camp
Sarah, mother, 60, widow
Robert, nephew, 13

Son Foster died 15 May 1921 in Eden, Mason, Michigan, of organic heart disease. He was listed as son of John and unknown. Burial was South Eden Cemetery

On 23 Aug 1921 in East Jordan, Peter, 31, son of John Crampton and Sarah Bailey, married Lizzie Carey, 18, daughter of Louis Carey and Nancy Compo. It was the first marriage for both. Witnesses were William Bigjoe and his wife.

Son Peter's marriage was mentioned in 26 Aug 1921 Charlevoix County Herald.

Son Peter died 8 Jan 1928 nears Strongs, Chippewa, Michigan from injuries received from an automobile. He is listed as single, working for the Cadillac Lumber Company, buried in Mancelona.

Sarah died 8 Mar 1928 in Mancelona, Antrim, Michigan. She was buried in Mancelona.

Cobb (Karb), age 60, son of John Crampton and Sarah Bailey, married Mary Billies, age 55, daughter of Joe Wabagag on 17 Nov 1933 in Muskegon, Muskegon county.

Son Cobb / Carb died 18 Aug 1942 in Muskegon. Cause of death was old age.

Copyright (c) 2020 Vicki Wilson

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