Friday, April 21, 2023

Mary Ann Wilson 1933-1979

 Mary Ann Wilson was born 17 Apr 1933 in Michigan, the 6th child of Charles Wilson and Anna Mae Smith. Older siblings Angeline, James, Nancy, Cecelia, and Nicholas, younger sisters Shirley and Beverly. (Only Beverly is alive today - 2023)

Mary died 1 Nov 1979 in Traverse City, Michigan

Obit only mentions the one child that was living with Mary.

Mary's first child was Narcizo Charles Wilson born 4 Jul 1953 in Traverse City. Chuck (as he was called) died 10 May 2011 in Traverse City. He was the father of 6 children.

Obit does not mention the siblings whose whereabouts were not known.

Mary's second child was Robert Joseph Wallo (adopted name) born in 1955. He is believed to be the son of John Anderson. Has two children.

Mary's next children were with Joseph Moby. Joseph was born 24 Jul 1924 in Phelps, Wisconsin (while the family was working there) the son of David Moby and Eliza Webb. Joseph died 13 Dec 1983 in Bedford, Michigan.

The couple has twins Joseph and Janet, born 21 Jan 1958 in Charlevoix. They were adopted after 1961 and given the names Donald Wilcox and Donie/Donna Wilcox. Donald is currently living in Traverse City, Michigan. Picture taken April 18, 2023.

Donna died 2 Mar 1988 in Frankfurt, Germany and was buried in Mancelona, Michigan. She had two children, Paul and Donna.

Mary Jo was next, adopted name Krissy Lou. She lives in Iron Mountain, Michigan and has two children.

Sandra was born c1960, adopted name is Joyce. Was living in Detroit when last heard from.

Twins Laura Mae and Larry Michael were stillborn on 14 Jan 1961 in Traverse City. [Aunt Mary told me about them in 1973. She had gone to the doctor and told him something didn't feel right. Was told everything was okay and to go home. Babies were born in the next couple days. They were placed in one coffin/box? with on their sides with Larry kissing Laura on the forehead.] They are buried at Kewadin Indian Mission Church.

Mary's next children were the children of Edward Anderson (or one of his brothers). 

Anna Marie was born next, in Traverse City, were she is living today. Anna has children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Kevin Johnson (adopted name) was next. He currently lives in Washington state and has on daughter.

Mary's last child was David, stillborn when Mary was 5 months pregnant, in 1965. Probably the son of David Anderson.


James Wilson

John Wesley Member of Company K, 1st Michigan Sharpshooters (all Native American company) Civil

Logging - Wilson and Smith families
