Levi/Thomas was probably born around 1819, the son of Ogemawkeketo. In 1819 Ogemawkeketo lived at the place where the Pine River joined the Chippewa and Tittabawassee rivers.
The first record found is the 1839 Annuity roll, under Chief Esh qua guena ba
#12 Oge-ma-ghee-ge-do, one man, one woman, no children, received $17.68
Son Enos was said to be born in 1840. [From 1880 census]
A list showing the age time of entering & progress of Childern attending the school at Grand Traverse Bay.
Oge-mah-ge-ge-do, age 10, entered 1842, knows A B C
[Unfortunately there is no date on the register but I believe the child to be Enos.]
I believe the mother of Enos died prior to 1853, and Levi then married Mary Ann/Wah-sa-yah, the daughter of Peewash. She was said to be born in 1833.
1853 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#2 Oge maw ke ge do 1st, one man, one woman, three children, received $45.05 [Levi]
#16 Oge maw ke go do, 2nd, one man, one woman, one child, received $27.03 [Simon]
Son Moses was said to be born in 1853 [from 1870 census]
Son George was said to be born in 1854 [from 1870 census]
1855 Land Allotment - #871 O ge maw ke ge go selected the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 24, township 29 north, range 9 west, 80 acres.
"Aish quay go nay be was the chief of a large band that was originally located north of Torch Lake in Antrim County. The population in 1836 was 292 and was 409 in 1837. Aish quay go nay be was a delegate and signed the 1836 treaty. He, along with members of his band purchased lands prior to the 1855 treat in Antrim County, township 29 north, 9 west. He remained chief of this band until 1868 when Tay baw se ke zhick was listed as chief on the 1868 through 1872 payment rolls. By 1855, the population of this band was 112 and Aish quay go nay be and the majority of his band selected their allotments near the lands they had purchased in Antrim County." From Larry Wyckoff
#871 O ge maw ke ge do - S1/2 NE1/4 section 24, T29N R9W 80 acres
Son David was said to be born in 1856 [from 1870 census]
1857 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#4 Oge mawke ge do, one man, one woman, four children, received $30.36
#5 Eno Ogemaw ke go do, one man, no woman, no children, received $5.08
Son Henry was said to be born in 1858 [from 1870 census]
1858 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#4 O ge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 3 children, received $21.05
1859 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#4 Oge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 5 children, received $34.79
Son Sam was said to be born in 1860 [from 1870 census]1861 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#4 O ge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 5 children, received $32.34
Daughter Elizabeth was said to be born in 1863 [1870 mortality schedule]
1865 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#2 Oge ma w ke ge do, one man, one woman, 7 children, received $36.00
1866 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#1 O ge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 7 children, received $33.66
1867 Annuity Roll under Chief Aish quay go nay be
#1 O ge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 8 children, received $35.70
Son Charles was said to be born in 1868 [1870 mortality schedule]
1868 Annuity Roll under Chief Tay baw se ke zhick
#1 O ge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 8 children, received $158.50
From the records of Rev. Peter Dougherty, Grove Hill Mission, Omena, dated 16 May 1869 "Ogemahgegedo (Thomas) was restored to ch. privileges and his wife Wah sayhe was read on examination and was baptized.
Daughter Elizabeth, age 6, died May 1869 from scarlet fever. [1870 mortality schedule]
Son Charley, age 2, died Oct 1869 from convulsions. [1870 mortality schedule]
Son Thomas was born in Dec 1869. From the records of Rev. Peter Dougherty, Grove Hill Mission, Omena, dated 8 May 1870. "In the afternoon baptized an infant of Ogemahgegedo named Thomas."
1870 Annuity Roll under Chief Tay baw se ke zhick
#6 O ge maw ke ge do, one man, one woman, 5 children, received $107.10
1870 Federal Census - Leelanau township, Leelanau, Michigan - taken 24 Jun 1870
Okemahkeketo, Levi, 50, farmer, real estate $800, personal estate $315
Mary Ann, 40, keeping house
Moses 17, at home
George, 16, at home
David, 14, at home
Henry, 12, at home
Samuel, 10, at home
Thomas, 9/12, born in Dec.
Warranty Deed recorded on page 621, Antrim county deeds, dated 8 Jan 1883, between Wah-sa-yah of Milton, Antrim county, widow of Oge maw ge ge do, deceased, late of New Misson, Leelanau county, heirs Enos, Moses, George, David, Henry, and Samuel, parties of the first part and Frank Durocher, party of the second part. Wah-sa-yah, and Levi's sons received $300 from Frank Durocher for the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of section 24, township 29 north, range 9 west.
Mary Ann died 28 Apr 1903 in Leelanau township, Leelanau, Michigan. Cause was paralysis of right-side for 2 years. She was widowed, 1st marriage at 20, age 70, parent of 6 children of whom 4 are living, daughter of Pewash and unknown. Informant was D. Ogmakegedo.
1908 Durant Roll Field Notes
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