Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rickley - Foster

Mary Elizabeth Jeanette Foster was the daughter of William Foster and Elizabeth Poisson/Fisher. William was born 9 Mar 1846 at Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada and died 13 Dec 1930 at Sugar Island, Chippewa, Michigan. Elizabeth was born 28 Apr 1855 at Sault Ste Marie, Chippewa, Michigan and died 22 Mar 1908 at Payment, Sugar Island, Chippewa, Michigan.

1880 Federal Census Sugar Island, Chippewa, Michigan has Hugh Foster, 54, farmer, born Scotland, parents born Scotland; wife Amey, 54, born British America (BA), parents born British America; daughter Jennet Shermain, 25, born Michigan, father born Scotland, mother born BA; granddaughter Mary Moor, 6, born Canada, parents born Michigan; son William Foster, 33, farm laborer, born BA, father born Scotland, mother born BA; daughter-in-law Lizzie Foster, 24, born Michigan, father born Michigan, mother born BA; grandchildren Jennet Foster, 8, Georgiana, 5 and Charles H., 2. born Michigan, father born BA, mother born Michigan.

Jeanette was married to Louis Rickley and they had five daughters, Florence, Louise, Charlotte, Lucile and Margaret.

Little is known about Louis Rickley. He was born in Canada (Indian) and tribe is Cree according to the 1910 census. His name is Rickley on his daughters' marriages and Rickley or Rickey on their school records.

The 1900 Federal Census has not been located for Louis and Jeanette.

On 29 Dec 1901 daughters Charlotte, Ethel, Florence and Lucy arrived at the Mt. Pleasant Indian Industrial Boarding School for a period of three years. Their father is listed as Louis Rickley, living. The girls are listed as full Native in one year and 1/2 in the next. Also arriving at the school on the same day are Emma and Rose Rickley, daughters of Frank. The girls are cousins through their mothers. Is is unknown if and/or how their fathers were related.

The National Archives at Chicago has records for Lucile and Maggie Rickey, daughters of Louis and Jennie.

The Durant Roll page 9, #9 is for Mrs. Hugh Foster, dead, 1870 she had 0 men, 1 woman, 4 children. Her first listed child is Wm. Foster, 55, living at Sugar Isle, wife Lizzie (Fish).

William and Lizzie have three children:

1) Charles Foster, 40, single, living at Sugar Isle.
2) "Tootsay" Waindawsung or Jennie Shedowim, 38, living at St. Jacques - husb - Joe Sheowin, #14 page 36.
3) Georgianna Foster, 35, living at Sugar Island, 2 children - 1. Louisa Ann; 2. blank

Durant page 36 #14 for Wain-daw-sung or John Shedowan, has his third child as Joe Shedowan, age 33, living at Rapid River, Michigan as Bakers Camp, wife Jennie Shedowan or Tootsy, age 38, no children for this couple.

The children of Louis Richley and Jeanette Foster are not listed on the Durant roll.

1910 Federal Census - Nahma, Delta, Michigan shows the family as follows:
Shedwin, Joseph, head, age unknown, married once - 10 years, born Michigan, parents born Michigan, laborer at lumber yard; Chippewa, father Chippewa, mother Chippewa, full native;
Shedwin, Jennie, wife, 36, married twice - 10 years this marriage, 5 children born, 5 living, born Michigan, father born Canada Scotch, mother born Michigan, white/Chippewa, father white, mother Chippewa, 1/4 native, 3/4 white;
Rickley, Ethel, stepdaughter, 18, born Michigan, father born Canada - Indian, mother born Michigan, Cree/Chippewa, father Cree, mother Chippewa, 1/4 Native, 3/4 white;
Rickley, Charlotte, stepdaughter, 16, born Michigan, father born Canada - Indian, mother born Michigan, Cree/Chippewa, father Cree, mother Chippewa, 1/4 Native, 3/4 white;
Rickley, Lucy, stepdaughter, 14, born Michigan, father born Canada - Indian, mother born Michigan, Cree/Chippewa, father Cree, mother Chippewa, 1/4 Native, 3/4 white;
Rickley, Maggie, stepdaughter, 12, born Michigan, father born Canada - Indian, mother born Michigan, Cree/Chippewa, father Cree, mother Chippewa, 1/4 Native, 3/4 white;
Foster, Gilmore, brother-in-law, 23, born Michigan, parents born Michigan, sailor at Fresh water, white/Chippewa, father white, mother Chippewa, 1/4 Native, 3/4 white.

Jeanette died 28 Jan 1936 in Nahma, Delta, Michigan. She was married at the time of her death, and her birth is given as 4 Jun 1872 in Payment, Michigan. Cause of death was chronic myocarditis. Place of burial was Indian Point Cemetery.

The children of Louis Rickley and Jeannette Foster are:

1. Florence 1888-1955 - married John McCoy, 30 Apr 1906 in Payment, Michigan.

They were parents of 11 children, Marian, Hugh, Jennie, Earl, Ernest, Merline, Marie, Dorothy, June, Arthur, and Marjorie.

Both John and Florence died in 1955.

2. Louise Ethel, b. c1892, married Peter Dason (Dayson), 20 Sep 1910, Indian Point, Michigan.

She died 6 Mar 1920 in Nahama, Delta, Michigan and is buried at Indian Point Cemetery.

3. Charlotte Jane, born 17 Sep 1893 at Sugar Island. She was baptized on 7 Nov 1893 at Waninatinaug, Lake George, Sugar Island, by John Chambon. Sponsors were John Ishkwegan and Isabella Gijigobinensi. Charlotte married Dan Moses 17 Jul 1910 at Nahma, Delta, Michigan.

4. Lucile, born 9 Jun 1895 at Sugar Island, married Edward Paull, 1 Feb 1915 at Indian Point.

5. Margaret Elizabeth Rickley was born 9 Mar 1898 on Sugar Island, Chippewa, Michigan. She was baptized 12 Apr 1898 at Waninatinaug, Lake George, Sugar Island, by Father Ganieur, sponsors were Louis and Marianne Hatch.

Margaret's first child, Lavinia, was the daughter of Benedict Sagataw (son of George Sigwate/Sagataw and Christine Osawwawnemeke).

     Lavinia was b. 17 Nov 1916 at Sault Ste Marie. She married Levi Feathers (son of Joseph Feathers and Eliza). Levi died 13 Mar 1937 in Marquette county. Lavinia died 26 Dec 1982 in Petoskey.

Margaret next married Amos Feathers (son of Louis Feathers and Sarah Lambert) and they were the parents of two children:

1) Ralph Louis was born 11 Nov 1925 St. Jaques, Delta, Michigan. He died 15 Oct 1998.

2) Ione Lorraine was born 12 Jan 1928, Ogontz, Delta, Michigan. She died 11 Apr 1994 in Petoskey, Emmet, Michigan.

Amos died 24 Apr 1931 in Manistique, Schoolcraft county.

Margaret married third to Joseph Moses Beaver (son of Moses Beaver and Elizabeth Wheaton) 6 Jan 1943 in Nahma, Delta, Michigan

Margaret was then married to Simon Wabanimkee, 12 May 1956 in Charlevoix.

Margaret died 28 Aug 1973 in Charlevoix and is buried at Brookside Cemetery.

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