Sunday, October 4, 2020

Naish-ka-ze / Moses Allen

Naish-ka-ze was born about 1816 in Michigan, the son of Isaac Sha-waw-naw-she. Siblings were Makooqua /Theresa Kagn and Aw-waw-naw-ke-zhick.

1839 Annuity Roll

Shaw wan a shee, one man, one woman, one child, received $26.52

Na sha zee, one man, one woman, one child, received $26.52 

Ah wan e gezhick, one man, one woman, four children, received $53.04

In 1839 Reverend Peter Dougherty established a mission church and school at what was later called Old Mission, Grand Traverse County, having been sent by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Naish-ka-ze and his family became members of this church.

Naish-ka-ze was baptized by Rev. Peter Dougherty on 4 Jun 1843 on Old Mission, and given the name Moses Allen. His wife Onje-e-qua was baptized the same day and given the name Emma.

Son Wahsuhgonabe / Walter Lowrie, was born about 1837, baptized 25 Jun 1843 at age 6.

Daughter Anna was born about 1842, baptized 25 Jun 1843

Son Solomon was born about 1843, baptized 25 Jun 1843

Son Charles was baptized 7 Jan 1844 age 6 months

Daughter Mary Ann was born about 1846, baptized Jun 1846

Daughter Nancy was born about 1847, baptized 25 Jun 1847

Son John was born about 1849

Daughter Margaret was said to be born 25 Mar 1849 in Grand Traverse, Michigan

Rev. Dougherty moved his mission to Leelanau county.

Daughter Susan was said to be born 15 Apr 1852 in Omena, Leelanau, Michigan

Son Jacob was born about 1852, baptized 20 Jun 1852.

A second daughter named Nancy was born about 1853, baptized Jan 1854

When Solomon was baptized Jan 1854 it was noted he was adopted by Moses' family.

1855 Annuity Roll -- Grand Traverse Band 2 - #3  Nay shae kay she, Moses, 1 man, 1 woman, 5 children - $58.24 

The Treaty of 1855 gave land allotments:

Moses Nayshe kay se E1/2 of SE1/4 section 29, T31N R11W 80 acres

Father - Isaac Shaw wan naw she - W1/2 of SW 1/4 section 29 T31N R11W 80 acres.

Brother - Haman Aw waw ne ke zhick - N1/2 SW1/4 section 32 T31N R11W 80 acres.

Son George was said to be born 15 Dec 1857

1858 Annuity Roll

#2 - Nay she kay she, one man, one woman, 4 children, received $25.26 under chief Aw-ko-wo-say

The Church at Omena was built in 1858.

Son William was said to be born 5 May 1859, baptized 5 Jun 1859 (age given as 5 weeks).

1859 Annuity Roll

#2 - Nay she kay she, one man, one woman, 6 children, received $44.73 under chief Aw-ko-wo-say

1860 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Moses Naskeasy, 47, farmer, value of real estate $800, value of personal estate $150

Hellen, 40

Mary Ann, 16

John, 11

Margaret, 8

Jacob, 7

Susan, 5

George, 3

William, 1

The family below Moses is probably his parents.
Sha wa nosh shy, age 68, farmer, real estate valued at $150, personal estate valued at $25
Oga ba onoqua (female), 60

1860 Federal Census - farm schedule

#9 Moses Nasheazy - 10 acres improved, 36 acres unimproved, value of land $600, value of implements $25; 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle, 3 swine, value of livestock $100; produced 30 bushels of corn, 20 bushels of oats.

Brother Ahnoanegezhic is list the line above Moses' on the farm schedule.

Son Charles attended the Twinsburg Institute in Summit County, Ohio from 9 Apr 1860 to 9 Mar 1861. 

A third daughter named Nancy was said to be born 15/16 Feb 1861 in Omena, Leelanau, Michigan.

1861 Annuity Roll

#2 - Nay she kay she, one man, one woman, 7 children, received $41.58 under chief Aw-ko-wo-say

Military records show Charles Allen of Northport enlisted in company K, First Sharpshooters, as Sergeant, on 12 Jun 1863 at Northport, for 3 years, at the age of 19. He mustered in 22 Jun 1863 as First Sergeant. While in service he sent home 3 letters which survive. Link to his military information/letter translation.

Son Charles died 18 May 1864 in Virginia

Daughter Mary Ann married Nah-we-ke-zhick/Peter Mark c1864

1865 Annuity Roll

#2 - Nay she kay she, one man, one woman, 6 children, received $32.00 under chief Aw-ko-wo-say

Daughter Margaret married James Miller c1866.

1867 Annuity Roll

#2 - Nay she kay she, one man, one woman, 5 children, received $24.99 under chief Aw-ko-wo-say

1867 Property taxes - Leelanau township, Leelanau county

Moses Naish kasa, S1/2 of N1/2 of SE1/4 of section 23, T31N R11W, 40 acres valued at $100 - state tax 35 cents, county tax 70 cents, township tax 30 cents, school tax $2, total $3.85

personal estate valued at $20 - state tax 7 cents, county tax, 14 cents, township tax 6 cents, school tax 40 cents, total 67 cents.

Daughter Mary Ann, the wife of Peter Mark, died 10 Oct 1868 in Milton, Antrim, Michigan from childbirth. She left three children, Mary born c1865, Moses b. c1866 and a baby boy born 10 Oct 1868. The baby died 1 Nov 1868. After their mother's death Moses and Mary lived with grandparents Naish-ka-ze and Onje-e-qua.

1868 Annity Roll  -- Aw ko we say's band - #2  Nay she kay she, 1 man, 1 woman, 5 children - $110.95

1868 Property taxes - Leelanau township, Leelanau county

Naish kesa, Mary?, S1/2 of N1/2 of SE1/4 of section 23, T31N R11W, 40 acres valued at $120 - state tax 36 cents, county tax 48 cents, township tax 72 cents, school tax 84 cents, total $2.40

Father Shaw waw naw she died between 1868 and 1870

Son Jacob, age 18, married Kennisteen Babahma, age 14, on 13 Jan 1870 in Omena, Leelanau, Michigan. Rev. P. Dougherty performed the ceremony.

Daughter Susan married Aaron Pequongay on 9 Feb 1870, Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

1870 Annuity Roll -- Aw-ko-we-say's band -  #2 page 40 Nay-she-kay-she 1 man, 1 woman, 6 children - $122.40

1870 Federal Census - Leelanau Township, Leelanau, Michigan

Moses Nashkasi M 53

Ahchijekwa Nashkasi F 45

Jacob Nashkasi M 19

George Nashkasi M 14

William Nashkasi M 10

Nancy Nashkasi F 8

Mary Nashkasi F 5

Moses Nashkasi M 4

1870 Federal Census - farm schedule

#37 Nash Kase, Moses, 22 acres improved, 58 acres wooded, value of farm $1,300; 1 horse, 2 other cattle, value of livestock $80; produced in 1879 - 30 bushels wheat, 80 bushels corn, 100 bushels oats.

8 Jan 1872 - Moses received patent for his land.

1880 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Naish kaza, Moses, 67, hunter

Anna, 60, wife, keeping house

George A., 23, son, fisherman

William, 21, son, fisherman

Nancy, 18, daughter, at home

Moses Jr., 14, son, laborer [Actually grandson - child of Mary Ann Allen and Peter Mark.]

1881 Plat Map - Leelanau township - notice Moses' land is in section 29 (as stated on the land patent) and not in section 23 (as stated on the property tax records.)

On 15 Jul 1882 son George married Catherine Paul in Northport, Leelanau, Michigan.

Son Jacob died 20 Apr 1884, recorded in Leelanau county. Age 32, single, cause of death was drowning. 

On 25 Feb 1887 in Leelanau county, son George married Eliza Manitowash, the daughter of Louis Man-do-wash and Mary Ob-dus-ga-quay.

Son William died 15 Sep 1890 in Leelanau county of consumption.

1893 Property taxes - Leelanau township, Leelanau county

Nazskaya, Moses,  S1/2 of N1/2 of SE1/4 of section 23, T31N R11W, 40 acres valued at $240 - state tax 50 cents, county tax $1.50, township tax 57 cents, highway tax $1.30, school tax $2.56 cents, dog tax $1.93, total $6.43

Daughter Nancy married Louis Petoskey on 23 Sep 1895 in Omena, Leelanau, Michigan. There are two marriage records. The first (which is the copy submitted to the state) has information about Louis, and then about his first wife Isabella. The second (the copy kept by the county) has Isabella's name removed and Nancy's name written over it.

3 Jun 1897 - Isaac Shaw-waw-nah-she's estate was entered into probate court regarding his land (W1/2 of SE1/4 of section 29, T31N R11W)

5 Aug 1897 - This page names Moses Allen/Nashkaze and Wanegeshik as sons and Makooque as daughter of  Isaac Shaw-waw-nah-she. 

Also named are Nancy Allen, George Allen and Susan Allen as children of Moses Allen; Sarah Wanegeshik as widow of Wanegeshik; James Wanegeshik; James Wahsageshik, Peter Wanegeshik and George Nada as children of Wanegeshik; Samson, Eli, Anna and William Nada as children of George Nada; Joseph Tabasah, Philip Naquam and Ka-ba-o-sa-quay as children o f Makooqua and Stella Anderson as daughter of Ka-ba-o-sa-quay. 

Published in the Leelanau Enterprise 10 Jun 1897 to 1 Jul 1897

Wife Emma/Anna died 23 Apr 1899 in Leelanau.

Picture of daughter Susan year unknown

1900 Federal Census - Leelanau, Leelanau, Michigan

Petoskey, Lewis, born Mar 1835, 65, married 5 years, day laborer
Nancy, wife, born Dec 1861, 38, married 5 years, 2 children born, no children living
Allen, Grace L., niece, born Feb 1888, 12, at school.

Daughter Nancy married Joseph Shagonaby, 28 Oct 1905, in Petoskey, Emmet, Michigan.

Durant Roll Field Notes - 1908, page 2 #40
Nay-she-kay-she, dead

1. Margaret (Miller) Fisher, age 60, Elk Rapids
husband: James Miller or James Fisher, age 63, see 14-40

2. Nancy Shagonaby, age 42, Omena
husband: Jasper Shagonaby, age 45, died 29 Mar 1908
child Mitchell Shaggonaby, age 23, see 20-23

3. George Allen, age 50, Mt. Pleasant
wife: Eliza, now wife of John Bigjoe, see 13-38

4. Susan Sargonquatto, see 32-38

Son George, age 55, married Sarah Crampton nee Walker, age 55, on 28 Apr 1914 in Honor, Benzie, Michigan.

Daughter Nancy married Frank Newman, 15 Jan 1923, in Bay Shore, Charlevoix, Michigan.

Son George died 23 Jul 1923 in Hayes, Charlevoix, Michigan. Cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. Age 70, burial at Greensky Indian Cemetery.

Daughter Nancy died 27 Dec 1938 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan. She was widowed, burial was in Omena.

Daughter Susan Pequongay died 20 Jul 1939 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan. Cause of death was influenza. Burial was in Omena.

From the Traverse City Record Eagle of 29 Oct 1955, written by Al Barnes.

Copyright (c) 2020 Vicki Wilson